香港社區組織協會 Society for Community Organization

ArtWalk 2009 籠屋展覽 Cage Home Exhibition

"將鐵籠搬到中環!" Cagehome display in Central


Cage Home Exhibition 籠屋展覽

This cage home is actually situated in Tai Kok Tsui and an example of Hong Kong's inadequate accommodation - according to government statistics there are nearly 100,000 people in Hong Kong who live in cage homes, cubicles or small partitioned flats.




About ArtWalk 關於ArtWalk

ArtWalk是全港一年一度舉行的最受歡迎的藝術慈善活動,今年將於3月11日(星期三)晚上5時至12時舉行,65間中環、灣仔、香港仔、黃竹坑、銅鑼灣及太古城的畫廊參與是次活動,主題為「買得起的藝術」,屆時參加者可以一邊欣賞藝術,一邊品賞美酒佳餚,門票收益捐助慈善團體(成人$420 學生$100),今年的受惠機構是香港社區組織協會。ArtWalk自2005年開始將門票收益捐贈香港社區組織協會,支持香港社區組織協會服務弱勢社群及推動人權工作。

根據政府數據,現時本港近十萬貧民居住籠屋板房等不適切居所,金融海嘯累及基層失業或減工資,紙皮、汽水罐等基層幫補家計之物也大跌價或甚至不回收,但基層食物價格及租金仍高企,貧困的籠屋、板房居民要勒緊肚皮捱通脹加租之苦,沒有租金管制法例之下, 租金呎價媲美豪宅,中位數30元,最貴達$50,貧窮情況進一步惡化。是次展覽展示大角咀一間籠屋的鐵籠(真的籠屋,可觸摸、睡、坐),將貧窮舊區的籠屋搬到華麗富裕的中環畫廊,同時展出不同弱勢社群(籠屋、板房、露宿者、童工、難民、精神病、老人)的最新相片(專業攝影師: 康榮、李願成、岑允逸 、雷日昇)。希望藉此引起社會及政府對於籠屋居民的房屋及貧窮問題的關注及作出改善行動,尤其特首及財政司多次以事忙拒絕本會落區邀請探訪籠屋,在施政報告及財政預算案政策均極少惠及籠屋板房等基層,所以本會將籠屋搬到中環讓政府到訪

SoCO and ArtWalk 2009 is going to organize a cage home exhibition from 11/3 to 18/3 at Schoeni Gallery in Central. It will show the real iron cage which is moved from the area of Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon.

In cosmopolitan Hong Kong there are 1.3 million Hong Kong people who live below the poverty line - the government also estimates that 100,000 elderly people, women, recent immigrants from China, children, low-income workers and the handicapped have - due to poverty and personal circumstances - no choice but to live in inadequate accommodation in cage homes, cubicles or small partitioned flats.

Apart from undertaking research projects, lobbying Hong Kong decision-makers and organizing direct action events, SoCO also provides direct services to assist low-income workers to receive public housing; the elderly to have priority in re-allocation to appropriate accommodation; and, is an advocate to alleviate restrictions on housing for the mentally handicapped. SoCO also provides consultation services on housing, employment and budgeting matters.

As an event of ArtWalk 2009, a real cage home, located in Tai Kok Tsui, will be displayed inside the Schoeni Art Gallery in Central - giving a strong impression of the living conditions that many people live in.

11 March is the ArtWalk 2009 event. Artwalk is Hong Kong's biggest charity art event and this year SoCO is again the benefiting ArtWalk charity. The main theme for this year is Affordable Art. The parcipants buy a ticket($420 for Adult, $100 for student) for visiting 65 Galleries in different areas, such as Sheung Wan, Central, Wanchai, Wong Chuk Hang, Tai Koo Shing, etc at the same time, enjoy free wine and snacks. The tickets income will be donated to SoCO.

According to official statistics, there are over 100,000 poor people who are living at inadequate housing. In view of the financial tsunami, the labour from the grassroots faced unemployment as well as decrease of salary. They have attempted to pick cardboards, metal cans to earn a living for the family while the price becomes lower and lower. However, the food and rent are still expensive that the grassroots have to suffer the problems of inflation. In the absence of statutory rent control, the rent is as high as the luxury flat that the median monthly rent is $30 per square feet per month (maximum is $50!).

Theexhibition shows about the cagehome, which is a genuine cagehome moved from Tai Kok Tsui, that the audience can touch, sleep or sit on it. The installation of a cagehome, which symbolizes the life of the underprivileged, contrasts with the privileged class who are living and working at Central and facilitates the audience to reflect more on the problem of poverty in Hong Kong. Photos of the vulnerable groups, including cagehome lodgers, residents living in cubicles, street-sleepers, child labor, refugees, people with mental illness and single elderly are shown to arouse public concern about their deplored situation (Those photos were taken by volunteer professional photographers, including Hong Wing, Dickson Lee, Dustin Shum, Lei Jih-Sheng) As the Chief Executive and the Financial Secretary had rejected SoCO's invitation to visit the cagehome for many times, it is hoping that the governmental officials spend some time to visit the genuine cagehome moved to Central and a comprehensive anti-poverty policy reform has been urged for.











展覽詳情如下 Exhibition details:

日期 Date: 11/3/2009 - 18/3/2009 (Wed to Wed, Sun closed)

時間 Time: 10:30am - 6:30pm (11/3-2pm至12am,18/3-10:30am至4:30pm)

地點 Venue: 中環荷里活道27號地下G/F 少勵畫廊(中區警署斜對面)

27 Hollywood Road Central, Schoeni Art Gallery

網頁: /

主辦 Organiser: 香港社區組織協會(SoCO) & ArtWalk 2009

免費贊助場地 Venue Sponsor:Schoeni Art Gallery少勵畫廊

聯絡 Contact: 施麗珊 Miss Sze Lai Shan (Tel:2713 9165 / Pager: 71103301/5677)

SoCO is the Hong Kong ArtWalk 2009 benefiting charity.



About SoCO 香港社區組織協會 簡介

SoCO (Society for Community Organization) was founded in 1972 and is a registered non-profit making non-governmental human rights organization for the underprivileged.

SoCO is active in lobbying for an improvement in the lives of the 1.3 million Hong Kong people who live below the poverty line - predominantly comprising the cage and cubicle dwellers, the single elderly, new immigrant women, children living in poverty, street-sleepers, people with mental illnesses, low-paid workers, refugees and ethnic minorities. SoCO also undertakes original social policy research, lobbies Hong Kong decision-making bodies and organizes direct action events.

香港社區組織協會於1972年成立,註冊成為一間非牟利的民間人權組織,主力為本港一百三十萬貧困社群爭取改善生活,對象包括: 籠屋、板房的租戶、獨居老人、新移民婦女、貧窮兒童、露宿者、精神病康復者、低薪工人、難民及少數族裔等,組織這些社群倡議改善政策及為他們提供支援。

Photographer: Hong Wing, 2008



女人的能耐有多大? 看看三十七歲來自四川的劉德相,日做十二小時,夜睡如篜籠在廚房空中懸掛的閣仔,只有十五呎生活空間,同屋還有二十多人爭用廁所廚房,天天被木蝨、老鼠咬,但劉德相還是滿心盼望,盼望早日丈夫、兒子和女兒來港團聚,盼望早日公屋安置,「丈夫失業,孩子要讀書,多難我也要捱過去……。」這就是新移民婦女的能耐之源。

How Much Pain Can a Woman Endure

How much pain can a woman endure? For example, Liu Dexiang is a 37 year-old woman originally from Sichuan who works over twelve hours every day - and at night, lives in a suffocating top-floor, rat and bedbug infested cubicle. Although living in a space of a mere 15 square feet and sharing bathroom and kitchen facilities with over twenty other residents, Liu remains full of hope. She has aspirations of a reunion with her husband and children and to be relocated in public housing.

Liu, a new immigrant from China, is willing to endure all kinds of pain: "My husband is now unemployed, my children have to go to school; I must continue to weather all this hardship…"

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Unemployment and wage cuts are serious issues for low-income people; and consequently, the number of homeless people is growing because of the current financial crisis.

There are currently over 1,000 street-sleepers in Hong Kong who are searching for a job and a warm home.

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Photographer: Lei Jih-Sheng, 2007




Photographer: Hong Wing, 2008



A Cage-homed Hawker

"In the old days, the life of a hawker was easier. I sold all kinds of animals' entrails and fish balls!" When he reminiscences about the golden years of a hawker's life, Jiang Shaojiu always becomes excited; however, the entire hawking business began to decline after the Hong Kong government stopped renewing hawker's licenses in the 1980s.

Due to his lower income, Jiang moved to cage home accommodation and now suffers from the bites of bedbugs. The place in which Jiang lives has no kitchen and all the residents must buy take-away food. Jiang, himself, only eats twice a day so he can save money - when he feels hungry, he can only imagine the happier days of his hawker's life.

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The Hong Kong Cultural Centre

The poor cannot find a place in Hong Kong's cultural heart - the Cultural Centre. They can only sleep outside.

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Photographer: Lei Jih-Sheng, 2002



Photographer: Hong Wing, 2008



香港的貧窮是怎樣一回事? 看看深水這家只有七百呎的板房籠屋,用木板間了二十一個上下床位,每個床位只有十五呎至二十四平方呎,租客包括做清潔工的低收入中年漢、在老人院日做十二小時的新移民婦女,在床上做功課的小朋友、做酒樓的低收入家庭、精神病康復者、無依老人……他們都是香港最貧窮的一群,大家都期盼憑著雙手苦幹,終有一天可以在這涼薄都市破籠而出,脫貧而生!

Partitioned Cage Homes

Look at this 700 square foot flat: partitioned into 21 separate cage homes - that is, 21 individual bed spaces each partitioned by planks, and each partitioned cage home ranges in space from between 15 to 24 square feet.

Comprising low-income sanitation workers, a new immigrant woman from China who works at an elderly home twelve hours a day, little kids, the lonely elderly, and those that have been rehabilitated, all these residents exemplify the lowest class of Hong Kong society.

Working with their heads down, they all hope to fight poverty with their diligence and labour. They all hope to lead a different life.

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Refugees in Hong Kong

No legal protection and no government assistance. Over 1,000 refugees and asylum seekers need help in Hong Kong. Many of them have no choice but to sleep on the street.

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Photographer: Dustin Shum, 2007


Photographer: Dustin Shum, 2007





An Empty Dream Faints at Midnight

Yau was orphaned at fourteen when his parents starved to death during World War II. He is alone in life and one of Hong Kong's 300,000 elderly poor. He previously worked in a bookshop and now his only hobby is reading Chinese literature.

His only dream is to have an individual public housing unit and a room full of books.

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在香港這繁榮富庶的都市,貧窮是怎麼一回事? 看看三十多萬貧窮兒童,數以千計撿紙皮、拾汽水罐、倒垃圾的孩子們,同一城市,兩個世界。

Child Labour

What does poverty mean in such a seemingly prosperous and sophisticated city as Hong Kong? Just look at the thousands of children who make a living by picking through paper, cans and garbage. Within one city there are two worlds.

There are 1.3 million Hong Kong people (including 370,000 children) who currently live below the poverty line - predominantly comprising the elderly, low-income single people and families; and, recent immigrants from China.


Photographer: Dickson Lee, 2004




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Living Alone

Chan Hong-shun is 51 years old and suffers from depression and previously worked as a janitor and porter. Unfortunately, because of his illness and the effects of his medication, he is no longer fit to work - he now relies entirely on public assistance. He has spent nights on the bridges of Tung Chau Street and in tiny bed spaces; currently he is living in a cockloft.

Chan has lost contact with his former wife and his family and now spends his days and nights alone, aimlessly strolling the city. Every night at 8pm, he returns to his windowless cockloft and face absolute loneliness.

Photographer: Hong Wing, 2008

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Society for Community Organization (SoCO). All Rights Reserved. 香港社區組織協會 版權所有

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