香港社區組織協會將於2010年3月17日至3月27日期間, 在中環畫廊舉行無形@香港展覽,展示不同隱蔽社群的攝影及故事,不同籠屋板房的模型,是次展覽是2010年ArtWalk展覽系列之一。

ArtWalk是全港一年一度舉行的最受歡迎的藝術慈善活動,今年將於3月17日(星期三)晚上5時至12時舉行,65間中環、灣仔、香港仔、黃竹坑、銅鑼灣及太古城的畫廊參與是次活動,屆時參加者可以一邊欣賞藝術,一邊品賞美酒佳餚,門票收益捐助慈善團體(成人$430 學生$100),今年的受惠機構是香港社區組織協會。ArtWalk自2005年開始將門票收益捐贈香港社區組織協會,支持服務弱勢社群及推動人權工作。


Hong Kong, a city embodying glamour and affluence, embracing information explosion and technological advancement, overwhelms its inhabitants with visual and materialistic culture. In a city which can only be "seen", what do we see?

SoCO is the benefiting organization of ArtWalk 2010. SoCO will organize an exhibition of invisible groups in Hong Kong with ArtWalk from 17/3 evening to 27/3. The Schoeni Gallery kindly sponsors the exhibition venue.

This exhibition unveils a secret which has been hidden and opens a wound that has not healed. Treading the back alleys of the old neighborhoods, climbing on the trucks, stepping on the ruined staircases, crawling into packed cage homes, it serves as a conscious endeavor to disarticulate alienation and estrangement through a close encounter with these "invisibles" in our city. They are: struggling technician, diligent janitor, idealistic refugee, lonesome mentally deranged, conscientious child-warrior…

When the mainstream media are constructing celebratory narratives of economic success, this exhibition reminds us that there are the anonymous "invisibles" who contribute to this same prosperous dream…

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隱蔽社群的生活 Life of the Invisible

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展覽詳情 Exhibition details

Date and Time of ArtWalk: 17 March 2010 (Wed), 5pm to 12 midnight

展覽日期 Exhibition Date: 17 March to 27 March 2010 (Sunday Close)

時間 Time: 10:30am - 6:30pm

地點 Venue: Schoeni Art Gallery, G/F 27 Hollywood Road Central (中區警署斜對面)

專業攝影師 Professional Photographers: 匡榮Hong Wing、岑允逸Dustin Shum 、雷日昇Lei Jih-Sheng

網頁 Website: /

主辦 Organizer: 香港社區組織協會 (SoCO) & ArtWalk 2010

免費贊助場地 Venue Sponsor: Schoeni Art Gallery 少勵畫廓


SoCO Contact Person: 香港社區組織協會(SoCO) 施麗珊 SZE Lai Shan 27139165 / 7110 3301/5677

ArtWalk Contact: John Batten 9758 0048


Exhibition organized by SoCO & Hong Kong ArtWalk 2010
Venue sponsored by Schoeni Art Gallery
Exhibition mounting assisted by Marc Brulhart and marc & chantal design staff
Panel design by Cedric Maridet
Photographers: Hong Wing, Dustin Shum, Lei Jih-Sheng

SoCO is the Hong Kong ArtWalk 2010 benefiting charity.

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About Artwalk

Hong Kong ArtWalk 2010 - Hong Kong's premier charity art event - will be held on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 between 5pm to 12midnight.

ArtWalk is a charity event and a donation is raised from ticket sales; this year is the 10th Anniversary and over the previous years a total of HK$4 million has been distributed to Hong Kong charities. Last year, ArtWalk 2009 saw 2,000 participants visit 65 galleries and raise a donation of HK$477,000 (and ArtWalk 2008 raised a record HK$689,000) which benefited the Society for Community Organization (SoCO). SoCO will again benefit from proceeds raised from ArtWalk 2010: to be used in their pro-active community work, original social policy research and advocacy work. See the SoCO website for further details:

Keeping its successful and enjoyable format, ArtWalk participants purchase a ticket that allows them entry to visit Hong Kong galleries on ArtWalk Night to view an array of artwork as well as enjoy food sponsored by some of Hong Kong's leading restaurants and wine hosted by each gallery.

Says ArtWalk Organiser, John Batten. "Hong Kong's art scene is vibrant and strong and ArtWalk remains the biggest one-night art event in town. It is a unique event that celebrates its 10th Anniversary this year. Over 65 galleries will again participate as well as a number of 'ArtWalk Extra' art installations, video and performance events happening around the streets of Central."

Tickets, priced at HK$430 (adults) and $100 (tertiary students), will be available from late February 2010 from galleries situated along Hollywood Road and Wyndham Street, from Picture This in the Prince's Building and SOHO Wines in SOHO. Latest information about ArtWalk can be found at: (specific details about ArtWalk 2010 will be online in mid-February 2010).

ArtWalk is organized by art critic and former gallery owner, John Batten, and assisted by ArtWalk Co-ordinator, Ms Mary Joyce Wong - contact details are below.

For further enquiries and interviews about ArtWalk 2010:

Please call John Batten (English) on 9758 0048
or Mary Joyce Wong (Chinese) on 9815 2940 or E-mail:

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香港社區組織協會簡介 About SoCO

香港社區組織協會於1972年成立,註冊成為一間非牟利的民間人權組織,主力服務本港貧困社群,包括: 籠屋、板房的租戶、獨居老人、新移民婦女、貧窮兒童、露宿者、精神病康復者、低薪工人、難民及少數族裔等,組織這些社群倡議改善政策及為他們提供支援。

SoCO was founded in 1972 and is a registered non-profit making non-governmental human rights organization for the underprivileged.

SoCO's services assist Hong Kong's cage and cubicle dwellers, the single elderly, new immigrant women, children living in poverty, street-sleepers, people with mental illnesses, low-paid workers, refugees and ethnic minorities. SoCO also undertakes original social policy research, lobbies Hong Kong decision-making bodies and organizes direct action events.

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隱蔽社群數據 Statistics of the hidden groups

In an affluent city like Hong Kong with seven million inhabitants, we have:

  • 1.23 million People living under the poverty line 123萬人生活在貧窮線下
  • 510 thousands People earning less than HKD $5000 per month 51萬在職貧窮月入低於$5,000
  • 400 thousands elderly struggling for everyday survival 40萬長者生活足襟見肘
  • 350 thousands underprivileged children depriving of learning opportunities 35萬貧窮兒童發展受限
  • 300 thousands women earning less than HKD $4000 per month 30萬婦女月入低於$4,000
  • 200 thousands mentally deranged waiting for medical help 20萬精神病患者缺乏支援
  • 100 thousands people living in devastating environment such as cage homes, cubicles and rooftops
  • Six thousand refugees waiting for asylum approval 6千名尋求庇護人士等候甄別難民身份
  • One thousand homeless 1千人貧困交迫露宿街頭
  • A GDP per capita at Hong Kong is HKD $240,327 HKD (USD $30,811) BUT WE ALSO HAVE THE BIGGEST disparity between the rich and the poor!
    我們的國民人均生產總值(GDP per capita)高達HKD $240,327 (USD$30,811),名列世界前茅, 但香港的貧富懸殊指數是全球第一!



Photographer: Lei Jih-Sheng 雷日昇, 2002




Miserable tailor at the back of lorry

Beard boy, with 30 years of experience as a tailor, sleeps at the back of lorry. He is the classical example of Hong Kong worker who was weeded out under the intelligent-based economy. Having been hardworking for decades in his early life, the industry was unexpectedly moved to the mainland China. He has to face the reality and now become a part-time delivery man and lives at the back of lorry at night.

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Photographer: Lei Jih-Sheng 雷日昇, 2002





Candle light at the back of the staircase

What is it like to live without electricity supply? A dark corner was his home. It was so dark that he could not see his fingers. Though candle light was dim, it was enough to light up the little space. Lighting up a candle was the only comfort for the old man.

Yiu Man-kei used to be an illegal hawker, and was arrested by hawker control team when he was 59. He then changed his career to collecting paper cardboard. Yiu slept till noon to begin his 'treasure hunt' by searching through rubbish till around 3pm. Social workers found it hard to visit him because of his 'working hours'.

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Photographer: Hong Wing 匡榮,2009




Working Poor - Processing in the Back Alley

Fok Mei-sung, a solitary 61 year-old woman, lives in a cubicle in Sham Shui Po. Worked as a contract janitor at the Food and Environment Hygiene Department, she performs her duties on the street for six hours every night. Half of her salary goes to the rent. Deprived of choices, she has to work overtime for five hours everyday, collecting cardboards on the streets and back alleys. In the early hours of the day, she would "process" these cardboards by sprinkling water on them. It is hope that the cardboards would worth more money if they are heavier. The fact is… Mei-sung could make no more than twenty dollars for all of her hard work.

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Photographer: Hong Wing 匡榮,2004


板房童年 A Childhood in the Cubicle


Living in a cubicle for six years, fighting for the bathroom and the kitchen with others every day, 13-year-old little Hung has developed immense patience. He has learned to stay away as long as possible from home during the day time, to bend his body to do homework on his bed and to watch television on the lowest volume to avoid upsetting others. Once his schoolmates visited his cubicle home but they never came back.

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Photographer: Hong Wing 匡榮,2009




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The Mother and Son on top of the Kitchen

Home is far away to the 6 year-old Pun Seon-sai (Little Sai) and his mother. They have to climb eight floors of a rundown building in Sham Shui Po everyday. Waiting for them is the darkened space of a long corridor which engulfs loneliness and alienation. Located on the two sides are twenty caged homes split into upper and lower decker, and seven wooden ladders which lead to the top floor in the loft. These well-known products - rooms in the loft - of a cosmopolitan city are of one feet high, six feet long and four feet wide. You can lie down but not sit up without getting your head hit. Little Sai and his mother live right on top of the kitchen where people barely notice.

The chubby Little Sai fell off the wooden ladder a couple times last year and had soared hips. He however endured the pain without informing his hardworking mother. Every time when he fell, he decided to try again, crawl up the ladder and finish his homework on the bed.

Often times the Mother and Son are up all night because of the unbearable heat from the kitchen. The naive Little Sai would roar and yell, "Demolish All Caged Homes!" recalled his mother. What an irony! Even an eight year-old child can spell out the fundamental problem of our cosmopolitan city!

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Photographer: Hong Wing 匡榮, 2009





Caged home

"I have lived here for more than 40 years. My application for public housing unit was unsuccessful when I was younger and now I am penniless and have no future," laments 78 year-old Uncle Tai.
Uncle Tai lost his parents in the political turmoil in China and came to Hong Kong empty-handed in 1962. He managed to find a 15 square feet bed-space which cost HK$7 per month in Tai Kok Tsui. He is single and worked on construction sites and in factories until the age of 70. Without pension and running out of savings, he had no choice but to receive the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA). The CSSA payment is low and Uncle Tai can only afford to use it on his daily two basic meals - there is no kitchen facilities provided in his caged home so he cannot cook for himself. Apart from going out for meals, he spends most of his time in his "cage". Rice wine is one of his few luxuries and without any spare money, he can merely take an occasional sip from the diluted wine.

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Photographer: Dustin Shum 岑允逸, 2006




Live Alone A Life

Tortured by mental illness, Wong Sai-wing had been bothered by imaginary noises and ear pain during many sleepless nights for five years. He's a huge fan of Anita Mui. Apart from her, he says, he cares no one. At 30, he left home to live on his own and he is still single. He is white-haired and bespectacled, with half of his teeth missing teeth. Eventually, Sai-wing died of hunger because he was unable to eat. His death was discovered some time later due to foul smell.

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「我是一隻牛」- 小俊銘的擔子

「我是一隻牛! 我每天都十分忙碌,不用上學時就要拾舊報紙、紙皮去賣,沒有一刻空閒!不然哪有錢買奶粉給弟妹吃?」他從電視報導得知有些老婆婆靠拾紙皮維生,他靈機一動便提議與媽媽拾紙皮賺錢,幫補家計。小俊銘今年八歲,但已有三年拾紙皮經驗。香港父親離棄,內地媽媽只持探親證往來中港之間照顧他們,小俊銘要幫忙照顧弟妹,個子小小但擔子卻大大。



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Photographer: Hong Wing 匡榮, 2004


"I am a work-horse" - the burden of Little Chun-ming

"I am a work-horse! I am busy everyday, when I don't have to go to school I have to collect waste newspaper and card-board for sale. Life is so busy! But otherwise where can I get enough money to buy milk powder for my younger sisters and brothers?" After learning from the TV news that some old ladies are living on collecting and selling card-board, he proposed to his mother that they should do the same and make some money. Little Chun-ming will turn eight years old this year, but he already has three years of experience of collecting card-board. Abandoned by Hong Kong Father, Mother is in mainland, little Chun-ming has to take care of his younger brothers and sisters, shouldering the family burden even at his tender age.

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Photographer: Dustin Shum 岑允逸, 2009


地下人 - 難民

對約翰而言, 終日誠惶誠恐害怕被同鄉發現, 又或是為著生存而選擇走進「地下」, 絕不是他曾想像的處境。他改名換姓, 在人前人後均戴上假面具。從來不曾有人發現他八年前, 是為了逃避剛果政府的死亡威脅, 而偷渡來香港;從來無人得悉他的真正身份。

他反對少年參軍, 並身體力行, 希望通過成為神父及在教會進行教化的工作, 協助青少年人。懷著堅決的信念, 以及對於公義及生存權利的執著, 約翰只能選擇來港尋求政治庇護。可惜, 未來對於他而言, 仍是未知之數。此時此刻, 他也只能等待香港政府的漫長審理。

Underground - Refugee

John never imagined that doing the right thing would mean he would have to go "underground", fearing to be recognized by people from his home country. When appearing publicly, he changes his name and wears a mask. His true identity remains hidden, invisible to those who don't know that he 8 years ago had to escape death threats from the Congolese government. Studying to be a priest, and working with youngsters in the church, he advocated against young people joining the army. His faith in justice and the right to life meant he had to escape his home country to seek asylum in Hong Kong. However, his asylum application is still under process, and he does not know what tomorrow will bring. His future is a question mark.

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Photographer: Dustin Shum 岑允逸, 2009





Asylum seeker, Lisa

Escaping civil war and political persecution in Sri Lanka 5 years ago, Lisa and her family had to live without an identity in Hong Kong for a long time. Like so many other asylum seekers they had no choice but to overstay in Hong Kong because the government would not renew their visas, even though they couldn't return to their home country. It was ironic that they had escaped their country to find safety, yet, each time they walked on the street they feared being caught by HK police.

When pregnant with their second child, arriving at the hospital, she was surprised that the staff called the police. She, her husband and young daughter were detained at the police station. - She was not a criminal. All they had done were to seek protection of their lives in Hong Kong.

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隱蔽社群居所模型 Models of the living conditions


The actual situation in a flat in Kwellin Street, Sham Shui Po containing 7 cubicles.
(Made in 2007 by students of the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.)


The actual situation in (a) a flat in Tai Kok Tsui containing 17 metal-caged, three-storeyed bedspaces, (b) in flat in Kwun Tong containing 20 metal-caged double-storeyed bedspaces and (c) a flat in Kwun Tong containing double-storeyed cubicles.
(Made in 2008 by students of the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.)


The actual situation of several families living in (a) a flat with nine wooden-partitioned cubicles in Pei Ho Street, Sham Shui Po and (b) an illegal cage home with 20 compartments, some located on top of the others, in Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po.
(Made in 2009 by students of the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

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Society for Community Organization (SoCO). All Rights Reserved. 香港社區組織協會 版權所有 翻印必究

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