香港社區組織協會 Society for Community Organization (SoCO)


Living at limit - Inadequate Housing Photo Exhibition and Cage Home Installation



社協簡介 About SoCO

社協籠屋板間房工作 SoCO's work for the cage/cubicle dwellers

香港Artwalk2014 Artwalk 2014




Introduction of Society for Community Organization (SoCO)

香港社區組織協會於1972年成立,是一間註冊非牟利的民間人權組織,主力服務本港貧困社群,包括: 籠屋、板房的租戶、獨居老人、新移民婦女、貧窮兒童、露宿者、精神病康復者、低薪工人、難民及少數族裔等。

'與弱勢並肩,為公義行動!' 香港社區組織協會扎根本港基層40年,致力組織最無助的弱勢社群,透過無數社會行動,倡導公平和合理的社會政策,保障公民基本權利。

SoCO was founded in 1972 and is a registered non-profit making non-governmental human rights organization for the underprivileged. SoCO's mission is to serve the most underprivileged in Hong Kong, including cage and cubicle dwellers, the single elderly, new immigrant women, children living in poverty, street-sleepers, people with mental illness, low-paid workers, refugees and ethnic minorities.

'For People, We Care; For Justice, We ACT!' Over the past four decades, SoCO stands together with the grassroots and conducts hundreds of social actions advocating for their fundamental human rights and advocating fair and just social policy.


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  • 每年協助過千戶籠屋板房低收入人士,成功獲配公屋及改善生活
  • 通過社區外展探訪,定期家訪貧困租戶,每年接觸超過3,000個家庭,為他們提供房屋、就業及經濟諮詢及支援服務等
  • 成立扶貧基金,每年獲熱心人士捐助200萬元,為極度貧困的家庭提供米飯及基本食糧
  • 透過社會行動、調查、展覽及出版,引起公眾對基層市民住屋問題的關注

SoCO is the Hong Kong ArtWalk 2014 benefiting charity

SoCO's work for the cage/cubicle dwellers:

  • Every year, assist more than 1,000 low-income families living in caged homes and cubicles for rehousing and improve their lives.
  • Through community outreaching visits, conduct regular home visits on tenants in poverty. Every year, contact over 3,000 families and provide them with enquiry and supporting services concerning housing, employment and finance etc.
  • Establish a fund to help the poor. Every year, receive $2 million from caring people. Provide rice and basic foodstuff to families in extreme poverty.
  • Through social actions, surveys, exhibitions and publications, arouse the public's concern for the housing needs of the grassroots.


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香港社區組織協會 " 蝸居" 攝影展及籠屋裝置

沒有一扇可以透氣的窗口、沒有一張可以平放雙腳的睡床、沒有一張可以做功課的書桌、沒有一口可以呼吸的清新空氣; 在這呎尺斗室,有的是侷促的空間、重重的異味、深深的悶氣。在這令人窒息的空間,貧困的一群只能練就堅忍的意志以抵抗磨人的環境,期盼在意志完全消磨之前,找到生命的出路。

在香港這繁華的都市,仍有近20萬貧困的老人、低收入工人、婦女及孩子等蝸居在籠屋、板間房、房等不人道的環境。今日他們為你打開了家門,不是為了乞憐,而是為了讓大家思考 - 人的尊嚴與社會公義。

展覽日期: 2014年3月12日(星期三)
展覽地點: 上環荷里活道210號地下

(更大型的展覽於2014年5月16日至7月13日,逢星期五、六、日 下午2時至下午8時,在本會深水汝州街269號1樓展出) (電話查詢: 2713 9165 陳小姐)

Society for Community Organization (SoCO) & Hong Kong ArtWalk

Living at limit - Inadequate Housing Photo Exhibition and Cage Home Installation

Without a window to open, without a bed large enough to stretch the legs out, without a desk on which to do homework, without a breath of fresh air; in these cramped quarters, the only things in abundance are the vivid feeling of confinement, an array of foul scents, and a deep sense of oppression. In this suffocating space, the impoverished inhabitants have no choice but to strengthen their resolve and persevere through these demoralizing conditions, hoping against hope that they can find a way out before their will completely wears away.

In our bustling cosmopolitan city Hong Kong, nearly 200,000 impoverished people, including the elderly, low-income workers and women and children, remain living under inhumane conditions, cooped up in cage homes, wooden partitioned cubicles and sub-divided units. Today, they open their doors to you not to beg for pity, but rather to urge you to contemplate the merits of human dignity and social justice in our city.

Date of exhibition: 12 March 2014 (Wednesday)
Time of exhibition: 4:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Place of exhibition: G/F, 210 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan
Volunteer Photographer: Benny Lam

(From 16 May to 13 July 2014, the larger exhibition will be shown, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at SoCO 269, 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street , Sham Shui Po) (Enquiry: 2713 9165 Miss Irene CHAN)

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1. 無窗飯盒



Hong Kong ranked as the most livable city by The Economist

Around 200,000 people live in subdivided units in Hong Kong. Divided up from already small apartments, these rooms are only about 40 square feet. From resting to cooking, all activities take place in these tiny spaces with poor living condition.



2. 姊弟做功課

全球最自由經濟體 香港18連冠


Hong Kong ranked the freest economy for 18 consecutive years

It is not rare to find a four-people-family live in a subdivided unit. With so little room, a folding chair is used as a desk, a place to rest and as a dining table. Development of children is limited in these cramped rooms.


3. 伯伯寫信



Hong Kong is listed as one of the safest cities in the world

Some landlords illegally restructure normal-sized apartments in order to divide more tiny rooms for rent. They reset the floor drain outlets or remove main walls, which affect the fire escape routes and even building structures. This situation put residents' lives at risk



4. 一家人吃飯



Hong Kong is among the most competitive business environments in the world

Subdivide units with 40 square feet in average function as a living room, a bedroom and also a kitchen. The entire families live together in one of these small units become an overcrowding household.


5. 鐘下洗衫



Hong Kong's Foreign Exchange Reserves at HK$ 2.4 trillion

Eating, sleeping, doing the laundry, all these activities are done in the same cramped room… the living conditions of sub-divided units are terrible. Not only are they prone to rodent and pest infestations, they are a serious fire hazard; and yet, no matter how much the inhabitants cut back on their spending, they are unable to escape this harsh reality.




6. 婆婆發呆



Hong Kong has $650 billion of fiscal reserve

The price of housing is at an all time high in Hong Kong. Underprivileged are unable to afford adequate homes, among them are elderly individuals and other socially vulnerable groups. To cut down daily expenses, residents have no choice but to live in these tiny 40-square-foot rooms.



7. 睡覺男人



GDP per capita in Hong Kong over HK$270,000

Many residents of sub-divided units are from the low-income sector of society. Due to the seemingly endless wait for public housing, and being unable to afford exorbitant rental prices, they are forced to live like snails in rooms the size of a single bed space, helplessly waiting for change.



8. 婆婆洗菜

香港豪宅力壓東京 全球最貴

獨居老人、新來港人士、草根階層…是?房居民中常見的一群;經濟能力薄弱,無法租住私樓,結果被困在社會最低層,承受極大生活壓力 。

Hong Kong surpasses Tokyo in World's Most Expensive Luxury Apartments

The elderly who live alone, new immigrants, and the grassroots sector… this is the common group of residents who live in sub-divided units; low levels of income means they are unable to afford private housing, resulting in being trapped in the lowest level of society, shouldering the immense pressures of living.




Behind our city's beautiful facade, there remain many who have yet to reap the benefits of their hard work. They need your help to improve their lives, and uphold social justice!

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本港不適切居所統計數字 Statistics of Inadequate Housing in Hong Kong

什麼是不適切居所 ?


What is inadequate housing?

It indicates the private temporary housing and room/cubicle, cockloft of private permanent housing. In recent years, there are a huge number of partitioned rooms being built in industrial building. As it is illegal to live at there, those residents living at industrial buildings are not counted and hence the Government figure is underestimated.

什麼是分間樓宇單位 ?


What is subdivided unit (SDU)?

Subdivided unit is formed by the subdivision of individual living quarters into two or more units for rental purposes to more than one household.

全港居住於分間樓宇單位的人數 (不包括工廈居民)(政策二十一有限公司, 2013): 171,300人

No. of people living at subdivided units(the residents living in Industrial Building are not included) (Policy 21 Limited, 2013): 171,300

非綜援戶的分間樓宇單位住戶人均每月工作收入(政策二十一有限公司, 2013): $ 5,490

Per capita monthly household employment income among non-CSSA households living in SDUs (Policy 21 Limited, 2013) : $ 5,490

每月平均租金(政策二十一有限公司, 2013): $3,790

Mean of monthly rent(Policy 21 Limited, 2013) : $3,790

分間樓宇單位住戶成員在港居住年期(政策二十一有限公司, 2013) (%):

Length of residence in Hong Kong of household members living in SDU (%) (Policy 21 Limited, 2013)

Hong Kong Permanent Residents 香港永久居民: 64.6%
New Arrivals 新來港人士: 35.4%

公屋輪候冊上的申請宗數 (2013): 243,300

No. of registered applicants on the Waiting List of Public Rental Housing (2013): 243,300

公屋輪候冊上的單身人士申請宗數 (2013): 122,200 (政府每年只提供不多於2,000個單身編配單位)

No. of registered singletons applicants on the Waiting List of Public Rental Housing (2013): 122,200 (Hong Kong Government only provides not more than 2,000 public housing units for singletons per year.)



香港 ArtWalk 2014
二零一四年三月十二日(星期三) 下午四時三十分至晚上十一時三十分


- 香港主流畫廊
- 憑門票可享用各間畫廊所提供之酒水美食
- 各式各樣 ArtWalk 特備節目展示於香港歷史街道上
- 受惠慈善團體為香港社區組織協會 (SoCO)
- 今年香港仔畫廊及中環畫廊門票分開獨立發售

香港 ArtWalk 2014將於二零一四年三月十二日(星期三)下午四時三十分至晚上十一時三十分舉行。香港ArtWalk作為首個香港慈善藝術活動,至今已舉辦至第十四年。參與者購票後可於ArtWalk當晚憑票進入香港畫廊觀賞作品,並享用各畫廊提供的酒水美食,與藝術同好歡聚一晚。

ArtWalk是以售票方式籌款的慈善活動,自二零零一年起已為香港慈善團體籌得五百五十萬善款,去年參與者更多達一千二百人。今年的慈善受惠機構是香港社區組織協會 (SoCO),ArtWalk的捐款將會用作積極推動社區工作、研究社會政策及支援工作。如欲了解更多關於SoCO,可瀏覽:


門票價格分為:港幣400元(成人),150元(全職大專學生);280元(成人:只參觀香港仔及黃竹坑畫廊);門票將於沿荷李活道及雲咸街一帶的畫廊發售。如欲了解關於ArtWalk最新消息可瀏覽:。(關於香港 ArtWalk 2014 的特別詳情將於二零一四年二月初網上公佈)


查詢及訪問有關ArtWalk 2014:
請致電約翰百德先生+85297580048 或凌佩詩小姐+85264364404

Hong Kong ArtWalk 2014 Wednesday, 12 March 2014 4.30pm to 11.30pm

Hong Kong's biggest charity art event featuring:

- Hong Kong's leading galleries
- Food, wine, beer & mineral water served at each gallery included in ticket price
- A variety of ArtWalk Extra art displays in and around Hong Kong's historic streets
- Charity beneficiary is the Society for Community Organization (SoCO)
- Separate ticketing this year for Aberdeen galleries and Central galleries

Tickets available at galleries located along Hollywood Road & Wyndham Street. Full details at:

Hong Kong ArtWalk 2014 will be held on Wednesday, 12 March 2014 between 4.30pm to 11.30pm. Now in its 14th year and Hong Kong's premier charity art event, ArtWalk participants purchase a ticket allowing entry to Hong Kong galleries on ArtWalk Night to view artwork, and enjoy a sociable night of wine and food hosted by each gallery.

ArtWalk is a charity event and a donation is raised from ticket sales. A total of HK$5.5 million has been distributed to Hong Kong charities since 2001. Last year, ArtWalk saw 1,200 participants. This year's benefiting charity is the Society for Community Organization (SoCO) - ArtWalk's donation will benefit their pro-active community work, original social policy research and advocacy work. See the SoCO website for further details:

Says ArtWalk Organiser and art critic, John Batten. "Join the energy of ArtWalk! For one night, Immerse yourself in Hong Kong's art scene by walking and visiting Hong Kong's leading galleries, meeting new friends and viewing additional art installations along the city's streets. This year we encourage participants to visit Aberdeen and its rising arts district by offering a cheaper ticket option."

Tickets, priced at HK$400 (adults); $150 (tertiary students); HK$280 (adults; visiting Aberdeen & Wong Chuk Hang galleries only), will be available from galleries situated along Hollywood Road and Wyndham Street. Latest information about ArtWalk can be found at: (specific details about ArtWalk 2014 will be online in early February 2014).

For further enquiries and interviews about ArtWalk 2014:
please call John Batten on +852 9758 0048 or Ms Pui Sze Ling on +852 6436 4404

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Society for Community Organization (SoCO) All Rights Reserved. 香港社區組織協會 版權所有 翻印必究