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第三屆露宿者世界盃 8位露宿者球員 機場回港
中國香港露宿者足球代表隊(今屆唯一亞州國家),第一次在世界盃賽錄得 33入球,並勇奪第21名排位(在27個國家),(較去年亞洲國家日本隊排尾二為高),他們明日完成第三屆露宿者世界盃,並由蘇格蘭愛丁堡回港,全程7月18日至26日,本港派出8名露宿者代表,參與是次4人足球賽。
總教練何渭枝表示經歷過如此多起起跌跌,見到一眾球員亦未曾放棄,深信往後日子球員遇到困難亦延續信念,永不放棄。 而各球員亦積極考慮回港後球隊之安排。 |
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瑞典 vs 中國香港 3:4 港隊最終回合 再次從後趕上 4:3險勝瑞典總排名21 露宿者世界盃踏入最後一天,港隊在最終回合迎戰瑞典爭奪第21名次。作賽過程延續港隊充滿戲劇性之特色,在早段領先1球後連失3球,最後港隊再次發揮不屈精神連追兩球,最後更反超前1球直至完場。香港隊在整個盃賽以5勝4負2和成績排名21,而傷兵滿營之意大利仍能技術擊倒波蘭奪得總冠軍。 |
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挪威 vs 中國香港 第一場 0:2 第二場 4:2 兩場合計 4:4 香港次階段反勝挪威 港隊進入次階段重遇早前手下敗將挪威(5:1),結果於首輪對決受制於對方針對性陣形0:2不敵。球隊分析失敗後,重新部署並於同日下午與挪威再次對陣。 港隊於上半場早段因對方竟沒有體育精神地將友誼球射入,令差距有3分之遙。港隊再次發揮不屈精神,幾經努力下藉球員周昌華接應隊長王仲維奮不顧身之傳中球追和,隊長傷出。 下半場港隊全面控制場面,球隊發揮整體水準,球員周昌華更一口氣轟入三球戲劇性地反超前。可惜守門員何仲斌因經驗不足臨完場斷送控球權予對方,結果完場港隊只勝4:2,總入球4:4及各勝一場的情況下港隊再次要以定點罰球決勝負。 定點罰球首輪由趙偉斌主射成功入網,然而挪威球員亦一射破網。其後周昌華及王仲維相繼射失,尤幸守門員何仲斌表現神勇力保不失,最後更射入對方守門員大小龍門及救出對方守門員主射之罰功,將功補過成為致勝關鍵人物。
領隊陳永柏表示對於球隊一直充滿信心,認為賽果屬意料之內,即使第一輪賽事負2:0及第二輪偶有錯折,他亦深信球員。 總教練何渭枝認為球隊整體發揮應有水準,同時部署成功,過程之戲劇性亦令他吃不消。 個人一場射入4球之周昌華表示感謝隊友之信任及支援。 隊長王仲維賽後表示賽事令他明白人生如賽事起起落落,但只有堅持及不放棄,成功總會來臨。其餘球員亦表示即使落敗,過程中他們已贏得支持及掌聲。 港隊於明天7月24日進行最後一場賽事,決定名次21或22。同時,大會將於明天選出最佳守門員、最佳新隊伍獎及公平競賽獎。 |
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南非 vs 中國香港 3:2 2:3僅負南非 港隊首場愛丁堡盃面對南非,經過昨日一連4場賽事,港隊體力明顯下降,加上南非表現活躍及體力化,賽事呈現膠著狀態,幸好守門員表現優異屢救險球。上半場1比1結束,下半場尾段港隊後勁不繼,終告失守,連失兩球。其中一名球員更因未能控制情緒,於後段被趕離場,在三人作戰下港隊球員周昌華仍能追回一球,無奈為時已?,最終2比3完場。 總教練何渭枝認為兩隊實力相約,無奈對方表現較佳,而本隊球員經過昨日4場賽事體能未能回復,加上球員後期未能控制情緒,最終無法挽回敗局。 |
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港隊面對嚴峻考驗 一天四場賽事 阿根廷 vs 中國香港 1:3 1:3負於阿根廷 首場賽事港隊面對傳統足球強國阿根廷,港隊在領先一球的情況下,因守門員勇救對方單刀出禁區被判定點罰球及一次後衛失誤,被連入兩球,最後更因誤會球証判決而給對方趁機再入一球最終以一比三負於阿根廷。 總教練何渭枝表示是次對賽兩隊實力接近,無奈對方表現較佳。 首次入球之趙偉斌對於輸波表示失望,但是次入球亦讓他重拾自信,相信下場能再下一城。 與大會創辦人馬約克(Mel Young)會面 本隊成功邀請露宿者世界盃創辦人馬約克(Mel Young)與一眾球員暢談露宿者世界盃。 挪威 vs 中國香港 1:5 5:1大勝挪威 二連勝 附加賽面對挪威港隊表現大熟大勇,即使於同日出賽第三場亦不減其攻力。趙偉斌及周昌華再次門開二度,加上隊長王仲維拾回射球鞋拉開比數,港隊輕鬆過關。 總教練何渭枝以無械可擊形容總結球員表現;隊長王仲維對自己於賽事終能入球感到安慰。 法國 vs 中國香港 0:5 5:0大勝法國 休息過後,港隊應戰足球強國法國隊,上半場趙偉斌撞牆妙傳予門前侍候多時之鄧英岡勁射入網。下半場賽時一面倒傾向港隊,攻勢一浪接一浪,周昌華及趙偉斌分別門開二度,最終大勝法國隊5球。 總教練何渭枝表示是次勝利是全隊之努力,於上半場初段換入球員,再加上球員經過連日賽事已從失敗中獲取經驗,認為結果合理及滿意。 是場獲勝後,港隊排組別F第三位需於同日進行兩場附加賽爭取更高盃賽(愛丁堡盃)之資格。 捷克 vs 中國香港 1:7 7:1大勝捷克 三連勝 面對平均實力較弱之捷克,港隊輕鬆過關。各球員表現突出,令現觀眾異常興奮,不斷呼喊球員名稱。 總教練何渭枝認為球隊將進入愛丁堡盃,對賽隊伍實力勢必更為平均,然而球員經過今天連續4場賽事擔心體能未能回復,現階段只望球員能盡早回復過來。 露宿者世界盃獲國際足協認可盃賽資格 與蘇格蘭國會議員共進午餐 |
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西班牙 vs 中國香港 2:2 2:2追平西班牙 港隊在球員周昌華先拔頭籌後因一次烏龍球及因失誤被判定點罰球被對方後來居上。港隊再次發揮首場永不放棄之精神於完場前2分鐘,周昌華接應隊友趙偉斌傳送,於右中場抽踢世界波左死角入網,迫和西班牙。然而經5輪定點罰球後,港隊惡夢一再重演,飲恨落敗。 總教練何渭枝表示對於球員表現極為滿意,如非大意失球,勝利一方必屬港隊,最重要是球員重無放棄,深表欣慰。 守門員何仲斌對於自己之表現感不滿,希望下場不再發生同樣情況。 |
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俄羅斯 vs 中國香港 2:2 2:2迫和俄羅斯 負於定點罰球 香港首場賽事面對俄羅斯,在落後兩球的情況下,港隊在下半場4分鐘及完場前1分鐘連追兩球迫和俄羅斯。港隊初期表現緊張,同時受制於俄羅斯體能化打法,未能發揮應有水準,於上半場4分鐘因一次失誤讓對方球員單刀入球。下半場初段因防守球員救球心切誤入禁區,讓對方獲定點罰球。失掉兩球後,港隊球員並沒放棄,經隊友妙傳下,周昌華於下半場4分鐘及完場前1分鐘連追兩球,一次單刀及一次中場遠射死角入網。 根據球例,兩隊以定點罰球即時死亡形式決勝負,經過5輪互射後,俄羅斯以總分6比5勝出,港隊飲恨痛失兩分。 賽後,總教練何渭枝表示對球隊在先失兩球下迫和表現滿意,完全反映球隊永不放棄之精神,唯一可惜以定點罰球輸掉球賽。 球員兼助教及射入兩球的周昌華感到高興所有球員發展永不言敗之精神,期望下場表現更佳。 葡萄牙 vs 中國香港 9:1 9:0負葡萄牙 除初段兩套互有攻守外,港隊無法取得主動權,對方無論在球技、速度及體能上均優於港隊,加上後期港隊軍心大亂兵敗如山倒。 總教練何渭枝認為是次港隊被技術性擊倒,輸給如此勁旅亦無可厚非,唯一可惜球員未能冷靜應戰,令比數一再擴大。 教練兼球員周昌華亦折服於對方球技之下,但對於個別球員失去鬥志感到無奈,希望隊員能重拾信心。 港隊於預賽分組賽1和1負的戰績下只有1分排榜末,將進入組別F進行分組賽。 |
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抵達蘇格蘭愛丁堡 |
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兄弟們, 我們出發了!! | ||
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授旗儀式 |
Introduction of the Homeless World Cup
The Homeless World Cup is an event of the INSP, the International Network of Streetpapers. The idea of streetpapers is to create chances for people in crisis situations through social programmes and by selling their own newspaper directly on the streets. The INSP comprises nowadays more than 50 members in 28 countries - streetpaper projects ranging from South Africa to Russia, from Germany to the USA.
The Homeless World Cup is an international pilot-project that uses the positive power of football for raising the profile of the issue of homelessness and poverty worldwide. Social integration through sport has become a successful strategy in many countries. The unifying passion for football has a unique ability to shift social borders. Being backed by job-, housing- and integration programmes thus sport itself becomes the means to create new chances for persons in crisis situations. Kick off homelessness! Viva el futbol!
The Homeless World Cup took place so far 2003
in Graz/Austria and 2004 in Gothenburg/Sweden. The participating teams of
26 countries made both World Cups a tremendous success. More than 60 000 spectators
were attracted, the atmosphere was filled with camaraderie between the teams
thus playing with competitive spirit thrilling matches. More than 100 accredited
journalists and 25 TV stations each year made the World Cup also a major media
For more information see: www.streetsoccer.org
It was April 2004, when everyone was desperate
about finding jobs,
finding money to cover the mortgage, and realizing their property had
lost half of their value. It was this time of desperation even for
ordinary public that I read the news of Homeless World Cup a rare hope
for the homeless.
Homeless people usually do not have hope for
future. What worries us is
that we found more young people among the homeless. If look from
outside, people will have the impression that they are either drug
addicts, gamblers, or alcoholics. When we get along with them longer,
they actually suffer more from their lack of confidence and poor
self-image. That is more a result of them being neglected and not given
a chance.
So we want to bring hope to them so that they
build up their confidence
again. We decided to form a soccer team with the hope of going to
Scotland and play the world cup. That was a day dream at that time. We
were given HK $7000 (approximately 1000US) to start and with that we
can't even afford a proper jersey and boot. And we thought we had to
deal with discipline matter a lot. Eventually it turned out that they
behave rather well on the field. and some even start to quit smoking. We
were lucky to witness the first "verbal fight" only in May, four
after we first formed.
And they never give up. Losing a game is somewhat
"expected" now but
that does not prevent them from practicing. Some even train on his own
time and their attitude towards training is really "professional".
are planning to quit smoking, shape up his belly so as to be stronger
and run faster. They start to demand on himself for improvement and we
believe that is the start of a real change.
This is no longer a dream.
HO Hei Wah, BBS
Director, Society for Community Organization (SoCO)
二零零四年八月,社協從本地報章得知有關「露宿者世界盃」的消息。我們認為,香港的露宿者可藉此機會,透過足球運動提升自己、融入社會,遂聯絡露宿者世界盃辦事處(Homeless World Cup office)。零四年十二月,我們獲得七百美元的捐助,並到街頭召募露宿者成為球員。零五年一月,我們組成了亞洲第二隊露宿者足球隊「曙光──中國香港」。(第一隊亞洲隊是零四年參賽的日本隊。)
Introduction of the Dawn-Homeless Football
SoCO began the "Street Sleeper Project" in 1999 in view of the economic crisis in Hong Kong which has caused more young and unemployed homeless people.
In August 2004, SoCO came to know about the Homeless World Cup through the local newspaper. We were inspired that homeless Chinese should also have this chance to improve themselves through playing football. After contacting the Homeless World Cup Office, we started the football project in December 2004 with about US$700 funding. We called the homeless people at their shelter and sleeping area. In January 2005, "Dawn - Hong Kong China", the second Asian football team at the Homeless World Cup (following Japan's participation in 2004) was established.
Our football team began with 4 matches versus secondary school students and people with gambling problem. Although we have lost all the games, our team players do not give up. They acted spontaneously by lending football to practice among themselves and requesting more intensive training. Now we have a volunteer coach who teaches them every week. At the same time, the players are very enthusiastic about the volunteer services that visit the street sleepers regularly. They are all looking forward to join the Homeless World Cup 2005 in Scotland in July.
吳衛東(阿東) |
關志江(Terence) |
許嘉諾(Carol) |
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Honorary Sponsor and Team Manager
My love for football began at an early age. Although
I've never dreamt of becoming a player, the thoughts of becoming a manager
occasionally surfaced on the back of my mind. As time goes by, my dream continues.
Earlier this year, I read from the papers about
the "Homeless World Cup", an international event in which Hong Kong
intended to participate.
I thought the event was meaningful and immediately
got in touch with the Society for Community Organization to obtain further
information. The dedication and professionalism of the social workers I spoke
with reassured my belief and I began to seek others who would share my enthusiasm.
Many of the sponsors are good friends of mine who,like myself, saw great meaning
in supporting the event. Funds were raised in little time and Dawn Football
Team soon embarked on the road to World Cup.
Today, helping Dawn Football Team join the World
Cup is like fulfilling a childhood dream. More importantly, through football,
we together have made a difference for a group of desperate people, whom we
have helped rebuild self-confidence to return to the society. On behalf of
the team, I would like to express our most sincere gratitude to our sponsors,
whose generosity has transformed each of our team members from a poverty-stricken
outcast to a keen member of our community.
Alex Chan
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Chief Coach
People who love soccer always compare the game with drama. They are unpredictable and full of surprises and I think that is equally true with the process in the formation of this team. The team is made up of people from very different background. Each has a different story to tell and not a few of them were once at the very bottom of an abyss in life. However gradually when they learn to run on the field, kick the ball with the right angle and even to score a goal, they see that this is not only a game but a hope. They determined to go for it, make real effort to achieve the goal and contribute to the betterment of not only himself but the whole team. The ball is only a medium, the field is only a stage, the real drama is in the real world and they will perform like a star. I learn a great deal from these stars and I am honored to be part of the team.
Ho Wai Chi
姓名: 周昌華 |
姓名: 王仲維 |
姓名: 鄧英岡 |
姓名: 譚平新 |
姓名: 何頌斌 |
姓名: 鍾志森 |
姓名: 趙偉斌 |
姓名: 趙啟 |