1. 貧窮人口 Population in Poverty
134萬人(2013年)生活在貧窮線下,本港人口貧窮率為19.9% (政策介入前),相當於每5人中就有1人活在貧窮困境
1.34 million (2013) people living under the poverty line. The
poverty rate in Hong Kong is 19.9% (before policy intervention).
It means that 1 out of 5 people are living in poverty.
香港人均生產總值(GDP per capita)高達311,479港元 (39,933美元)(2014年),名列世界前茅,但香港貧富懸殊指數是全球第一
The per capita GDP in Hong Kong was as high as HKD $311,479 (USD
$39,933) in 2014, which is one of the highest in the world. However,
the income disparity between the rich and the poor is the highest
in the world.
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government help them?
- 特區政府於2012年成立扶貧委員會,制訂官方貧窮線,定期檢視本港貧窮狀況
The Special Administrative Region Government established the
Commission on Poverty in 2012, set the official poverty line
and review regularly the conditions in Hong Kong.
- 檢視各項與民生政策,但未有訂立全面扶貧指標及滅貧時間表
Review various policies related to livelihood but has not drawn
up any indicator on helping the poor or time-table to eliminate
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 公共財政投入不足,財政預算案沿襲舊有財政思維,連續10年低估5,800億元盈餘,預測錯誤至極
Insufficient allocation of public financial resources. Financial
budgets are drawn up on the old line of thought on finance.
For ten consecutive years, the annual surplus has been underestimated
by $580 billion. The forecast is wrong to the extreme.
- 政府假借結構性財赤為名,避免增加經常開支
On the pretext of structural financial deficit, the Government
refuses to increase recurrent expenditure.
2. 在職貧窮 The Working Poor
486,000 of the working poor earning less than HKD $5,000 per month
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government help them?
- 將法定最低工資調高至每小時32.5元 To adjust the minimum wage upward
to $32.5 per hour.
- 推行低收入在職家庭津貼 Introduce working family allowance for those with
low income.
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 最低工資金額不足 The amount of the minimum wage is inadequate.
- 未有立法訂立標準工時 No legislation to lay down the standard working
3. 貧窮長者 Elderly living in Poverty
300,000 elderly people do not have sufficient means to secure
the necessities life.
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government help them?
- 推行長者生活津貼,支援非綜援貧窮長者生活開支
Introduce the old age living allowance to support the living
expenses of elderly people in poverty who are not receiving
comprehensive social security assistance.
- 推行長者醫療券,資助長者使用私營醫療服務
Introduce elderly health care voucher to subsidise the elderly
to use private medical services.
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 醫療服務嚴重不足,長者輪候治療需時
Medical services are seriously inadequate. The elderly have
to wait for a long period before receiving treatment.
- 缺乏全民退休保障,長者晚年生活憂堪
Owing to the lack of universal retirement protection, the elderly
worry about their livelihood during the advance stage of their
4. 貧窮兒童 Children living in Poverty
249,000 children living in poverty lack equal opportunities for
their development. |
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government do?
- 研究推行15年免費教育
Study to implement the 15-year free education
- 推行兒童發展基金,鼓勵貧窮家庭兒童定期儲蓄
Introduce the Child Development Fund to encourage the children
from poor families develop a habit of saving money.
- 資助學校推行課後支援計劃
Subsidize the primary and secondary schools to implement after
school supporting services.
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 學前教育費用非全免、中小學學生資助範圍狹窄且資助額不足
The pre-school education is not free education, while the scope
and amount of student financial assistance for the primary and
secondary students is not adequate.
- 大學資助學額不足,基層青年缺乏升學及向上流動的就業機會
The subsidized quotas for tertiary education remains insufficient
and the grassroots youth did not have enough employment opportunity
enhance upward social mobility.
- 欠全面扶助貧窮兒童政策
Lack of comprehensive policy to tackle child poverty.
5. 新移民 New Immigrants from the Mainland China
Over the 7 years (2008-2014), there are 316,373 new immigrants
from the Mainland China migrated Hong Kong with one-way permit.
Over 95% of new immigrant are living on work income, while only
19,127 (as at 31 Dec 2014) are living on social security, which
is composed of 5% of the total population of CSSA welfare recipients.
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government help them?
- 為未成年的新來港人士提供60小時適應課程 Offer a 60-hour adaptability course
to new arrivals who are minors.
- 透過僱員再培訓局為新來港人士提供專門培訓課程 Through the Employees Retraining Board,
offer designated training programmes to new arrivals.
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 無立法禁止新來港人士免受歧視 No legislation to prohibit discrimination
against new arrivals.
- 無政策協助新來港人士融入香港社會 No policy to assist new arrivals to integrate
into the Hong Kong society.
6. 精神病康復者 Rehabilitated mental patients
200,000 rehabilitated mental patients lack medical assistance and
community support |
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government help them?
- 在全港各區開展精神健康綜合社區中心,為精神病康復者提供一站式社區支援服務。
Establish integrated community centre for mental wellness to
provide one-stop service to rehabilitated mental patients.
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 輪候治療時間極長,未為病患者提供適時治療
An extremely long waiting time and patients do not receive timely
- 未有制訂精神健康政策,並無設立精神健康委員會
No mental health policy has been drawn up and no mental health
committee has been established.
7. 不適切居所住戶 Households with Inadequate Housing
Over 200,000 people of over 85,000 households living in appalling
environments such as cage homes, cubicles, sub-divided units,
rooftops as well as industrial buildings.
公屋輪候冊上的申請宗數 (2015年3月): 278,500
Number of registered applicants on the Waiting List of Public
Rental Housing (March 2015): 278,500
公屋輪候冊上的非長者單身人士申請宗數 (2015年3月): 140,600 (政府每年只提供約2,200個非長者單身人士的編配單位)
Number of non-elderly registered singleton applicants on the Waiting
List of Public Rental Housing (March 2015): 140,600 (Hong Kong
Government only provides about 2,200 units of public rental housing
for non-elderly singletons each year)
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government help them?
- 在2014/15至2018/19的五年期內,提供共7.7萬個公屋單位,維持未來10年每年平均興建約20,000萬個公屋單位的目標
In the five years from 2014/15 to 2018/19, provide a total of
77,000 public rental housing units in order to meet the target
of building an average of about 20,000 such units in the next
ten years.
- 為居於不適切居所的私樓租戶提供一次性津貼
Provide one-off allowance to inadequately housed tenants living
in private buildings.
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 公屋供應不足以應付公屋輪候冊需求
The supply of public housing units is inadequate to meet the
demand from the Waiting List of Public Rental Housing.
- 無設立租金津貼、無租金管制,亦未有提供過渡性住房
No rent allowance, no rent control and no intermediate housing
is available.
8. 尋求庇護人士及酷刑聲稱者 Asylum Seekers and Torture Claimants
Over 10,000 asylum seekers and torture claimants pending vetting
of refugee status have waited or over 1 year. |
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government help them?
- 設立統一審核機制,審核庇護人士及酷刑聲稱者的申請;並向申請人提供每月一千餘元的生活費Establish
a unified vetting mechanism to meet the applications made by
asylum seekers and torture claimants and provide a living allowance
of 1,000 odd dollars per month.
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 未有加入難民公約,沒有協助已甄別為難民安排定居
The Government has not signed international covenants on refugees
and does not help those who have been established to be refugees
to settle down.
- 沒有為庇護人士及酷刑聲稱者提供足以支援
Has not provided adequate support to the asylum seekers and
torture claimants.
9. 露宿者 The Homeless
超過1,000名貧困交迫的露宿者露宿街頭 ,尋求安身之所
Over 1,000 homeless people with financial difficulty look for safe
living places. |
政府如何協助他們? How does the Government help them?
- 資助服務露宿者的機構,提供住宿、就業及其他支援服務
Subsidise organisations which serve the street-sleepers to provided
hostels, employment and other support services.
有何不足之處? What are the inadequacies?
- 未有訂立長遠扶助露宿者的政策
No long-term policy has been drawn up to support street-sleepers.
- 未有設立市區廉價單身人士宿舍,協助解決露宿問題
No low-cost singleton hostel is available in the urban area
to address the problem of street sleeping.