香港社區組織協會 Society for Community Organization (SoCO)
童.影.想 攝影裝置展覽 - 遨遊孩子的世界
Kid Photographer - Photo Installation Exhibition - A Journey into a Child's World
香港社區組織協會將於22/8-1/9在尖沙咀文化E2大堂舉行童.影.想 攝影裝置展覽 - 遨遊孩子的世界 ,展示貧窮兒童親身攝影的相片故事及板間房裝置,並發佈最近出版貧窮兒童攝影集?童.影.想Kid Photographer?。
香港政府有千億儲備,但財政預算案卻對這些最弱勢的社群的支援最少,經濟好轉,但通脹再上升,126萬基層收入卻不升反跌 ,其中30萬貧窮兒童生活在貧窮線下,生活及教育資源不足,近兩萬更要蝸居籠屋板房,拾紙皮,人生起跑線上遠遠落後。尤其是最近百物騰貴,這些貧窮的小孩子的生活更是困難,但政府卻沒有多大的支援。
同時是次展覽發佈香港社區組織協會最近出版貧窮兒童親身攝影的相片故事?童.影.想Kid Photographer?,全書精裝粉紙共144頁,當中紀錄21個本港貧窮兒童的生活相片及故事,分五大部份,包括反映30萬貧窮兒童的慳生活,拾紙皮的生涯、住在30呎籠屋的滋味,窮快樂的玩趣,爭取權益的使命感,讓大家全方位深入體會貧窮兒童的生活及思想。 攝影集以$120發售以作為慈善籌款,展覽期間優惠價$100。是次展覽抽取這五部份的精華展出。
The Society for Community Organization (SoCO) will be staging the Kid Photographer Photo Installation Exhibition - A Journey into a Child's World from 22 August to 1 September 2011 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre at Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. The exhibition will feature photography taken by underprivileged children living in cubicle flats and inadequate housing in Sham Shui Po, telling their story through photography. SoCO will also be distributing the recently published photo collection book, Kid Photographer, at the exhibition.
With billions in reserve, the Hong Kong government extends only minimal help to the economically and socially marginalized groups in the territory. While the economy improves in general, an approximate 1.26 million grass root workers continue to struggle with mounting inflation and falling income . Among those affected are 300,000 underprivileged children who live below the poverty line with insufficient living and educational resources, and nearly 20,000 of whom live confined in cage dwellings and cubicle flats, robbed of their basic social, economic and cultural rights. As the cost of living continues to soar, life only becomes more challenging for those living in poverty.
The issue of child poverty has been widely discussed and well documented, but often obscured by the preconceptions from an adult's perspective. The true extent of the impact, however, can only be understood when reflected through the eyes of a child. SoCO set up the Children Photography Workshop in the summer of 2009, allowing children to tell their stories through photographs, shared with the world through exhibitions and publishing their collections of work.
Studying the images taken by these young photographers, gives an insight into their lives - narrow rooms, mounds of cardboard, basic food and toys - interspersed with touching moments with their family. A child's view of our world can be moving and transcend the limits of the lens. It gives us a vision into affection, social events and the community of these underprivileged neighborhoods, enhancing our understanding of a child's participation in society.
SoCO also takes the opportunity of this exhibition to release the recently published photo collection book, Kid Photographer. This 144 page hardback documents the photographs and stories of 21 children living in poverty. Divided into 5 sections, the stories include reflections on the frugal lifestyle of the 300,000 poor, the hardship of collecting cardboard boxes for a living, life in a cage of 3 square meters, playtime for the poor, and their passion to fight for their rights. This collection of work aims to allow audiences of all walks to gain a deep and comprehensive understanding of the life and thoughts of children living in poverty. Sold at $120 a copy, there will be a special promotional price of $100 per copy for the duration of the exhibition period. All money raised from the sale of this book will be used for charitable purposes. This exhibition highlights each of the book's five sections. SoCO will invite the Chief Executive and Financial Secretary of Hong Kong to attend this exhibition, and ask them to face the problem of intergenerational poverty.
展覽詳情 About Exhibition
展覽日期 Exhibition Date: 22 August 2011(Mon) to 1 September 2011(Thur)
時間 Time: 10:00am - 10:00pm
地點 Venue: Area E2, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀文化中心E2大堂
Fee of charge: Free
攝影師 Photographers: 21 underprivileged children, Brian Ching 程詩詠、匡榮 Hong Wing、林振東 Joe Lam、余俊亮 Ringo Yu、羅蘭容 Law Lan Yung,、梁志德 Leung Chi Tak,、張展鵬 Cheung Chin Pang Louis
文字:盧曼思 Lo Man Sze Maisy,、覃純健 Manson Chum,、黎佩盈 Amy Lai,、梁樂敏 Rita Brown,、施麗珊 Sze Lai Shan,、王智源 Wong Chi Yuen
網頁 Website:
主辦 Organizer: 香港社區組織協會 (SoCO)
聯絡 SoCO Contact Person: 香港社區組織協會
施麗珊 SZE Lai Shan 2713 9165 / 7110 3301/5677
遨遊孩子的世界 - 兒童攝影組
2009 年的暑假正式開始攝影班,從基礎的攝影原理開始,悶得讓人發荒的課,孩子們卻聽得津津有味,多謝佑寧堂請來攝影大師水禾田先生客席教授一課,對孩子們很有啟發性。上課也有不少嘈吵的時候,每課的互相作品分享時間,孩子們便失控地七嘴八舌品評。他們對攝影的鍾愛,表現在他們每次不用提醒而準時上課的出席表上。
A Tour into a Child's World - Children's Photography Workshops
Children usually love and aspire to have a camera after the experience of actually touching one. Our volunteers - who have both a passion for photography and a love of children - had read about the teaching of photography to children overseas and how photography offers a good learning experience for children to tell their stories through photographs, staging exhibitions and publishing collections of their work. After our volunteers had set up the Children Photography Workshop, they mobilized children intent on learning photography, appealed for donations of cameras and sought sponsorship. There was an enthusiastic response and very quickly workshops were planned.
The 2009 summer holidays marked the official launch of the photography classes, beginning with basic photographic theory. Such lessons can be dry and boring, but the children listened with keen interest. With the help of an invitation from the Union Church, Mr. Water Poon, the master photographer, also gave a lesson as a guest instructor. This was inspiring to the children and lessons were noisy; during the sharing and discussion of work, the place was abuzz with children's comments. Their enthusiasm for photography is reflected in class attendance: no reminders were necessary to maintain punctuality!
After six months of workshops, the children gradually showed their potential and some excelled with their instructors' expert guidance. Adults often judge using a set of preconceptions, but it is only when seeing from a child's perspective that one can see life as it originally is.
The camera is just an instrument and it is the considered conceptualization and creation done by each photographer that is essential for photography to become an art - with life and energy. Every picture taken by a child is a creation from the heart, and, so long as they shoot with their heart, every picture is a true photographic achievement.
A child's ideas about our world can be touching and transcend the limits of the lens. It gives us great insight into affection, events and the community - and enhances our understanding of a child's participation. Through children's photography, let us share their thoughts and tour their world.
窮孩子的生活 Life of the Poor Children
童工 Child labour
In our eyes, old newspapers and flattened cardboard cartons are just wastepaper; to thousands of poor children, these are treasures which help to sustain them.
I go to school on foot every day as I can't afford the bus fare.
林泳茵,9 歲 Lam Wing Yan, 9 years old
I think photography is: to take photos of interesting events
My dream is: to be a painter
I think poverty is: insufficient money
Collect cartons and cardboards to make ends meet.
兒童權利公約 第27條 第1款
Article 27(1) of Convention on the Rights of the Child
"States Parties recognize the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development."
Cafe de Coral is for the rich
慳生活 Frugal lifestyle
In this affluent city with billions of dollars in government reserves, it's ironic that 300,000 poor children struggle every day to save a mere few dollars.
林敏華,10 歲 Lam Man Wa, 10 years old
重重的紙皮 The heavy cardboard
Man Wa's demeanour suggests she always has many concerns and things on her mind. When you see the photo of her picking up cardboard in the street, it is easy to understand life's pressures on the young girl. She says grandma suggests she collect cardboard and sell it for a little money to supplement the family income. Of course, she happily helps her grandma. Though it is tiring to push a cart loaded with cardboard, it enables her to realize more the need for frugality. As her parents' incomes are unstable, she and her elder sisters collect cardboard together and take it in turns to wear their sports shoes, for the sake of frugality and to supplement the family income. The family members support each other in times of difficulty.
文字:施麗珊 圖:林敏華、羅蘭蓉 Text: Sze Lai Shan Photo: Lam Man Wa, Law Lan Yung
兒童權利公約 第27條 第3款
Article 27(3) of Convention on the Rights of the Child
"States Parties, in accordance with national conditions and within their means, shall take appropriate measures to assist parents and others responsible for the child to implement this right and shall in case of need provide material assistance and support programmes, particularly with regard to nutrition, clothing and housing."
D菜好少,次次得一兩碟 As always, there are only one or two dishes.
劉丁華,9 歲 Lau Ting Wah, 9 years old
「我怕爸媽吃不飽」"I am afraid Pa and Ma don't have enough to eat."
Though he is still very young, Ting Wah knows how to be thrifty. He wants the book 'Geronimo Stilton'. However, he knows his parents' incomes are meagre. "I can borrow from the library. I don't have to buy it." Occasionally, it is hot and he is sweating at home. In order to save electricity, he takes off his clothes instead of switching on the electric fan.At home, there are only one or two dishes of food every meal. Regardless of whether they are tasty or not, he will finish them all. In a resigned manner, he says, "Actually it is not enough even when I eat it all." He never complains to his parents. Rather, he is worried that they do not have enough to eat themselves. In particular, when he is at school, do Pa and Ma have any meals at all? The caring child is concerned for his parents.
文字:施麗珊 圖:劉丁華 Text: Sze Lai Shan Photo: Lau Ting Wah
玩.樂 Play and fun
Play is a basic right of children - and they have their own unique toys, no matter how poor they are.
我自己在下棋 I play chess alone.
王志偉,15 歲 Wong Chi Wai, 15 years old
一人象棋 One man chess game
下象棋是志偉最大娛樂。「弟弟下得不好,不好玩;曾上網跟人家玩,都是高手,走幾步便又被KO 了幾個回合??」結果志偉成了志偉最忠實的象棋玩伴:「每次都要扮演兩個角色,有時真的想到『頭都爆』!」
Chi Wai enjoys playing Chinese chess. "My brother is no match for me and is no fun to play with. I tried playing with others over the internet, but the opponents are so strong and I got 'KO' a few times after only a few moves." Chi Wai ended up playing against himself - a real challenge that made him rack his brain!
Unlike his classmates, he does not like buying internet game cards, models, and singing karaoke. "Too expensive, a waste of money!" He does not mind being called mean as, "the most important thing is that I can save money."
文字:王智源 圖:王志偉
Text: Wong Chi Yuen Photo: Wong Chi Wai
兒童權利公約 第31條
1. 締約國確認兒童有權享有休息和閒暇,從事與兒童年齡相宜的遊戲和娛樂活動,以及自由參加文化生活和藝術活動。
2.締約國應尊重促進兒童充分參加文化和藝術生活的權利,並應鼓勵提供從事文化,藝術、娛樂和休閒活動的適當和均等的機會。Article 31 of Convention on the Rights of the Child
1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.
三十平方呎 3 square meters
Everyone happily lives and works in Hong Kong? So, let nearly 20,000 children, who struggle to live in cubicle spaces measuring 3 square metres each, tell you the truth in front of the camera!
這裡做功課真不舒服 It's very uncomfortable to do homework here.
圖:匡榮 Photo: Hong Wing
潘信誓, 9 歲 Simon Pun, 9 years old
I think photography is: happy memories
My dream is: to be a rich man
I think poverty is: no money and living in a cage apartment
兒童權利公約 第27條第3款
Article 27(3) of Convention on the Rights of the Child
"States Parties, in accordance with national conditions and within their means, shall take appropriate measures to assist parents and others responsible for the child to implement this right and shall in case of need provide material assistance and support programmes, particularly with regard to nutrition, clothing and housing."
社區.權利.爭取 Community; Rights; Endeavour
These children do not have plentiful resources or opportunities. However, they do have a sense of charity and mission to serve the community and the poor!
A group of children and parents go on a protest march. Despite tiredness, we help each other and will not give up.
文字:黎佩盈 圖:郭永其、程詩詠 Text: Amy Lai Photo:Kwok Wing Kei, Ching Sze Wing Brian
郭永其,13 歲 Kwok Wing Kei KiKi, 13 years old
我的夢想是:成為一位公平公正的律師 My dream is: to be a fair and just lawyer
兒童權利公約 第12條第1款
Article 12(1) of Convention on the Rights of the Child
"States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child."
Although they work very hard, they only get a meagre income.
馮杰淵,13 歲 Fung Kit Yuen, 13 years old
「我想多些人幫窮人』" I want more people to help the poor."
"I feel that there are many poor people in Sham Shui Po. Society should give them more help." By using his camera to capture scenes of collecting cardboard and selling old and broken articles, Kit Yuen hopes more people can help Sham Shui Po. He is full of feeling for this poverty-stricken community. The reason is that he is living in Sham Shui Po. His mother and younger brother once sold old electrical appliances and cardboard here. He says with some embarrassment, "I did not help them." However, he actively took part in work to fight for the rights of the poor people. At a very young age, he is already an ambassador for children's rights and fights for the rights of children in poverty.
文字:施麗珊 圖:馮杰淵、林振東 Text: Sze Lai Shan Photo: Fung Kit Yuen, Joe Lam
香港社區組織協會簡介 About SoCO
香港社區組織協會於1972年成立,註冊成為一間非牟利的民間人權組織,主力服務本港貧困社群,包括: 籠屋、板房的租戶、獨居老人、新移民婦女、貧窮兒童、露宿者、精神病康復者、低薪工人、難民及少數族裔等,組織這些社群倡議改善政策及為他們提供支援。
SoCO was founded in 1972 and is a registered non-profit making non-governmental human rights organization for the underprivileged. SoCO's services assist Hong Kong's cage and cubicle dwellers, the single elderly, new immigrant women, children living in poverty, street-sleepers, people with mental illnesses, low-paid workers, refugees and ethnic minorities. SoCO also undertakes original social policy research, lobbies Hong Kong decision-making bodies and organizes direct action events.
社協在政策倡議、組織、服務及社會參與各個層面,維護貧窮兒童平等發展機會,設立兒童啟蒙天使計劃、社區學習中心及兒童扶貧基金,協助貧窮兒童改善生活及爭取發展機會。每年為過千名貧窮兒童提供學習及生活適應等支援。SoCO's work for Children's Rights
Children are the group most affected by poverty in cosmopolitan Hong Kong with its widening gap between rich and poor. About 300,000 local children struggle to survive in poverty, with 20,000 children living in caged homes or partitioned rooms and doing their homework on beds - with many trying to make ends meet by selling scrap paper that they collect on the street.
SoCO safeguards poor children's rights and equal development opportunities through policy advocacy, service provision, and social involvement while helping them to improve their living conditions and developmental opportunities through a Child Mentorship Scheme, a community learning centre, and a children's poverty fund. SoCO provides learning opportunities and living assistance every year to more than 1,000 poor children.
嗚謝 Acknowledgements
Exhibition contributors:
Exhibition organized by SoCO
Venue sponsored by Hong Kong Union Church
Exhibition mounting assisted by Marc Brulhart and marc & chantal design staff
Panel design by Joseph MarkPhoto album contributors:
攝 影: 林泳茵、梁培堅、余子祥、潘信誓、郭永其、莫家鋒、何千惠、陳穩基、張嘉興、郭靖輝、龔建邦、黃景城、劉丁華、馮裕強、王志偉、劉銘鋒、馮杰淵、楊富凱、林敏華、蔡文輝、王文禮、程詩詠、匡榮、林振東、余俊亮、羅蘭容、梁志德、張展鵬
文 字: 盧曼思、覃純健、黎佩盈、梁樂敏、施麗珊、王智源
導 師: 程詩詠、梁智德、Liza、張展鵬、鍾式明
翻 譯: 葉嘉寶、Marigold Writes、吳漢華、金譚淑嫻、蔡曉穎、黃偉佳
校 對: 百德約翰、夏添恩、施麗珊、王智源
責任編輯: 施麗珊、王智源
設 計: 麥家輝、王智源、施麗珊
Photographers: Lam Wing Yan, Leung Pui Kin, Yu Zi Xiang, Simon Pun, Kwok Wing Kei, Mok Ka Fung, Ho Chin Wai, Chan Wan Kee, Cheung Ka Hing, Kwok Ching Fai, Kung Kin Bong, Wong King Shing, Lau Ding Wah, Feng Yu Qiang, Wong Chi Wai, Lau Ming Fung, Fung Kit Yuen, Yeung Fu Hoi, Lam Man Wa, Matthew, Wong Man Lai, Ching Sze Wing Brian, Hong Wing, Joe Lam, Ringo Yu, Law Lan Yung, Leung Chi Tak, Cheung Chin Pang LouisText: Lo Man Sze Maisy, Manson Chum, Amy Lai, Rita Brown, Sze Lai Shan, Wong Chi Yuen
Instructors: Ching Sze Wing Brian, Leung Chi Tak, Liza, Cheung Chin Pang Louis, Eddy Chung
Translators: Christine Ip, Marigold Writes, Ng Hon Wah, Astor Kam, Grace Tsoi. Martin Wong
Proofreading: John Batten, Tim Summers, Sze Lai Shan, Wong Chi Yuen
Editors: Sze Lai Shan, Wong Chi Yuen
Designers: Joseph Mark, Wong Chi Yuen, Sze Lai Shan
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