本會地址:九龍何文田公主道52號3樓 電話: (852) 2713 9165 傳真: (852) 2761 3326 電郵:soco@pacific.net.hk

桂林街 辦事處 地址:深水埔桂林街117號二樓電話: (852) 2307 9165 傳真: (852) 2729 3165

海壇街 辦事處 地址:深水埔海壇街149號海壇大廈1樓B室 電話: (852) 2725 3165 傳真: (852) 2720 4165

捐款支持社協工作 Donate to support SoCO

購買社協籌款物品 Subscribe SoCO products for donation

參與社協義工服務 Participate volunteer services of SoCO

投訴社協工作人員 Complaint against SoCO


捐款支持社協工作 Donate to support SoCO

網上一次性上捐款,網上每月捐款, 下載信用卡(月捐/一次性)捐款表格, 下載捐款回條下載直接付款授權書

Online One-off donation, Online Monthly Donation, Download SoCO Donation Form and Direct Debit Authoriztion Form

購買社協籌款物品 Subscribe SoCO products for donation

下載訂購表格 Download the Subscription Form

參與社協義工服務 Participate volunteer services of SoCO


Please fill in the following form for further contact.


You can also fill in the application form of different service projects for further follow-up.

個人義工申請表 Volunteer Application Form (Individual)

團體義工申請表 Volunteer Application Form (Group)

申請參與各項義工服務計劃 Apply as volunteer in different services

報名參加 兒童啟蒙天使計劃 Child Mentorship Scheme Mentor's Application Form

報名參加 社區學習中心導師 Community Learning Centre Teacher's Application Form

投訴社協工作人員 Complaint against SoCO

若市民對社協的工作, 社工的服務態度等有任何不滿, 而欲作出投訴, 歡迎下載表格向本會投訴.

下載投訴表格 Download the Complaint Form
