Cage Home Exhibition
About exhibition (有關展覽 )
This cage home is actually situated in Tai Kok Tsui and an example of Hong Kong’s inadequate accommodation – according to government statistics there are nearly 100,000 people in Hong Kong who live in cage homes, cubicles or small partitioned flats.
Exhibition details (展覽詳情 )
- Exhibition Date (展期): 11/3/2009 – 18/3/2009 (Wed to Wed, Sun closed)
- Exhibition Time (時間): 10:30am – 6:30pm (11/3-2pm至12am,18/3-10:30am至4:30pm)
- Venue (地址): 27 Hollywood Road Central, Schoeni Art Gallery
中環荷里活道27號地下G/F 少勵畫廊(中區警署斜對面)
- (Free Admission 免費入場)