
About exhibition
According to the government’s Census and Statistics Department’s announcement in February 2021, the pandemic has raised Hong Kong’s unemployment rate to 7%, the highest in seventeen years. SoCO also notice a rising trend of first-time street-sleepers. In May 2020, SoCO conducted a study of street-sleepers not receiving comprehensive society security allowance. Of the 104 street-sleepers in Kowloon West, 60% were first-time street-sleepers. More than half of the interviewees slept in the street because the pandemic had brought their incomes down to zero. They do not benefit from the various rounds of fund to fight the pandemic. They are omitted from the social security safety net. Back home, they become homeless….
The “Life Stories of the Homeless” exhibition featured life stories of people in the photo album under the same title, and also a new chapter on the homeless people’s situation during the pandemic. It is hoped that through the exhibition, the homeless people’s voices will continue to be heard and arouse the public’s concern for and understanding of the homeless, such that the city will treat gently the underprivileged.
Exhibition Sponsored By:BRIDGESTONE
Publication Sponsored By:SMALL ACTS BIG CHANGES
Photographer:Lei Jih Sheng
Public Exhibition details (Closed)
- Exhibition Date: 16/3/2021 to 26/9/2021 (Only open on Saturdays) (Close on public holidays)
- Exhibition Time: 14:00 – 18:00
- Venue: 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
- Photography by: Lei Jih-sheng
- (Free Admission)
- Enquiry : 2725 3165 / 2713 9165 or soco.homeless@gmail.com

展覽導賞及真人圖書館活動 (個別參與人士)
- 內 容:由現任或前無家者化身為展導賞員,帶領參加者觀賞及講解展覽內容,並設有真人圖書館環節與大家互動,透過分享自身經歷及感受,增加對無家者生活的認識及關懷。
- 下午場次:
活動日期: 15/5,29/5,26/6,3/7, 17/7, 24/7, 7/8,14/8, 21/8, 4/9, 11/9, 25/9/2021
時 間:下午4:00-5:15 (敬請預約)
- 【新增上午場次】
活動日期: 17/7, 14/8, 11/9/2021
時 間:上午11:00-12:15 (敬請預約)
- 地 址:深水埗汝州街 269號 1樓 (近深水埗鐵路站出口C2)
- 費 用:每位港幣 $50
- 報名方法:透過Payme、網上銀行或櫃員機轉帳方式付款,保留付款紀錄之截圖,並填寫以下表格報名及上載有關付款紀錄。完成報名後本會會盡快與你聯絡核實。
–> 表格連結 https://cutt.ly/izd0c5S

Guided tour & Human Library Event (Individual participants)
- Content : A team of exhibition tour guides formed by current or former homeless people, guiding us to a closer look on their daily struggles of being homeless in Hong Kong. Followed by interactive Human Library session, sharing their own life stories in first person perspective.
- Afternoon Sessions –
Event Date:15/5,29/5,26/6,3/7, 17/7, 24/7, 7/8,14/8, 21/8, 4/9, 11/9, 25/9/2021
Time:16:00-17:15 (By appointment only)
- “NEW” Morning sessions –
Event Date: 17/7, 14/8, 11/9/2021
Time:11:00-12:15 (By appointment only)
- Venue:1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
- Fee: HKD $50 / person
(The fee is used to support SoCO’s homeless projects and paid for tour guides’ allowances.)
Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis
- How to register:
- Payment can be made through PayMe / Online banking or ATM, please keep a record of your payment.
- Fill in the registration form and upload your payment record.
- We will contact you shortly to confirm your reservation.
—> Registration form: https://cutt.ly/izd0c5S

新增活動 – 【無家者生活誌】展覽導賞及落區探訪活動
- 日期:21/5, 18/6, 23/7, 13/8, 17/9/2021(星期五晚)
- 時間:晚上7:30-9:30
- 集合地址:深水埗汝州街 269號 1樓 (近深水埗鐵路站出口C2)
活動為收費項目,費用 $200/位。
凡持有效學生證*人士,報名可享八折優惠 ($160/位)。

【 活動名額有限,先到先得。如團體報名人數超過五人,請先致電本會查詢,電話:2725 3165 】
New event – ‘Life Stories of the Homeless’ – Exhibition Guided Tour & Homeless Outreach Activity
A team of exhibition tour guides formed by current or former homeless people, will guide us to a closer look on their daily struggles of being homeless in Hong Kong. After viewing the exhibition, social workers and our tour guides will lead you to have a night walk in Sham Shui Po, reaching out to homeless people in the area and send our care and support to them by giving out Gift bags to the needy.
Activity details:
- Date: 21/5, 18/6, 23/7, 13/8, 17/9/2021(Friday night)
- Time: 19:30-21:30
- Venue: 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
Activity fee is $200/person.
Valid student ID holder* can enjoy a 20% discount on registration (just $160/person)!
(* Relevant certificates must be presented to the staff when attending the event)
The fee is used to support SoCO’s homeless projects, and covers the cost of gift bags and tour guides’ allowances.
—> Registration form: https://forms.gle/64wCCLGppPKxzjg5A

Seats are limited and offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.
For group with more than 5 participants, please contact us prior registration.
For enquiries, please call 2725 3165

新增活動 –《濁水漂流》無家者電影慈善首映
- 日期:2021年6月1日 (星期二)
- 時間:9 PM
- 地址:九龍灣星影匯The Metroplex (九龍灣展貿徑1號九龍灣國際展貿中心EMax地下)
- 票價:捐款每500元可獲贈門票乙張 (捐款滿100元可獲發免稅收據)*導演及演員將會進行映前問候*
- 交通:九龍灣地鐵站出,往德福2期恆生中心轉乘免費穿梭巴士
- 捐款助無家者
500元 / 1票 = 助無家者/失業人士購買1星期食物/飯劵
1,000元 / 2票 = 助無家者/失業人士購買2星期食物/飯劵
2,000元 / 4票 = 助無家者免費入住無家者宿舍1個月
- 查詢:2713 9165 / 6285 5127 (只限WhatsApp)

New event – Join the Charity Gala Premiere of “Drifting”
The homeless are drifters in a muddy world. Life is hard. They are surrounded by dirt and smell, not purely out of their own wrongdoings, yet they get looked down upon and ostracized. They strive hard to survive, crying out for just a breathing space.
To arouse public concern over the plight of the homeless people in Hong Kong, SoCO is sponsored to organize a charity gala presentation of the movie “Drifting”. We appeal to generous individuals and organizations to support the event. Donations received will be allocated to SoCO’s service for the homeless.
Please support the homeless, please come to the charity gala premiere.
About the movie: “Drifting” is based on the real story of a group of homeless people living under the flyover of Sham Shui Po. They are being neglected and marginalized by the society and the movie tells how the homeless people have to struggle hard to live a debased life with dignity in a filthy, muddy world.
Details of the Charity Gala Premiere:
- Date: 1 June 2021 (Tuesday)
- Time: 9 PM
- Venue: The Metroplex (G/F, E-Max, KITEC, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay)
- Ticket value: Donation over HK$500 can receive one ticket (Donation over HK$100 can receive donation receipt for tax exemption)
Sharing by the Director and actors will be arranged before premiere.*
- Transportation: Exit from Kowloon Bay MTR station, go by taking the free shuttle bus at Phase 2 of Telford Plaza
- Donate to support the homelessHK$500 / 1 ticket = Support homeless or unemployed person to purchase food/rice vouchers for 1 weekHK$1,000 / 2 tickets = Support homeless or unemployed person to purchase food/rice vouchers for 2 weeksHK$2,000 / 4 tickets = Support homeless or unemployed person to pay rent of homeless hostel for 1 month
- Enquiry: 2713 9165 / 6285 5127 (Whatsapp only)
—> Registration form: https://forms.gle/PEW9r5tmJEPXuZKs8

為配合新冠肺炎防疫限聚要求,團體如欲參觀展覽或參與導賞及真人圖書館活動,必須事先預約。查詢及預約 – 電話:2725 3165 / 2713 9165 或電郵至:soco.homeless@gmail.com。
In order to fulfill the requirement of ‘COVID-19 social distancing measures’, group visitors or group participants to Guided tour & Human Library Event are advised to make reservation in advance. Please call 2725 3165 / 2713 9165 or email to soco.homeless@gmail.com for booking and enquiry.