Her · Tie · Journey · 她
About exhibition 有關展覽
Hong Kong has 1.35 million people living in poverty and over 728,400 are women (54%). Many women are at a disadvantaged position, as they have to take care of their family and cannot work full time. In order to support women in need, SoCO has partnered with Les Beatitudes to provide training to over a hundred mothers on hand made bags and leather goods. We encourage men to support by donating their neckties as material to re-use and recycle, a ”HeForShe” project. Through the handmade art and craft, we retell the story of the city through interesting and uniquely Hong Kong heritage and transportation all via collage designs.
‘Tie.Journey.她’ is a special exhibition created by grassroots sewing mothers and local artists which depict Hong Kong local specialties. It also demonstrates how men and women can bond together and support each other on their life journey by simply sharing a necktie.
現時香港貧窮人口為135.25萬,女性貧窮人口高達728,400人,佔貧窮人口超過一半(54%),其中不少因為照顧家庭,而未能工作,侷住陷入貧窮中。為了倡議婦女工作權利,過去幾年,本會與愛連心 Les Beatitudes 合作培訓過百名婦女製作手袋、皮革用品等,宣揚本地創作及手作。呼籲男女互助,更請男士捐贈領帶作為材料,支持環保。設計以香港交通公具及文化為主題的圖案,宣揚本地特色及香港故事。
Exhibition details 展覽詳情
- Opening 開幕 : 7/5/2018 (Mon) 4:30pm
- Exhibition Date 展期 : 12/5/2018 to 1/7/2018
- Exhibition Time 時間 : 11:00 – 18:00 (Sat /Sun 星期六/日), Others by appointment
- Venue 地址 : 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2) 深水埗汝州街 269號 1樓 (近深水埗鐵路站出口C2)
- (Free Admission 免費入場)
Special Events 特備活動
1. Charity Tea for Mother’s Day – Sharing with sewing mothers and Artists
慈善母親節下午茶時間 – 與基層媽媽及設計師媽媽真情對話
Date: 13 May 2018 (Sun)
Time: 3pm to 5pm
Venue: 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
Enrollment: Donation of $200 and call to 27139165 / 9152 4331 (first come, first served)
2. Charity Tour and shop to Sham Shui Po special streets and shop
Date: 3 June 2018 (Sunday)
Time: 2:30pm to 4pm ($100 for charity)
Venue: 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
Enrollment: Donation of $100 and call to 27139165 / 9152 4331 (first come, first served)
3. Human Library – Dialogue with Grassroots women living in Sub-divided flat (Free admission)
Date: 10 June 2018 (Sun)
Time: 2:30pm to 4pm
Venue: 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
Enrollment: call to 2713 9165 / 9152 4331 (first come, first served)