The Invisible: Exhibition of hidden groups in Hong Kong

The Invisible: Exhibition of hidden groups in Hong Kong

About exhibition (有關展覽 )

Hong Kong, a city embodying glamour and affluence, embracing information explosion and technological advancement, overwhelms its inhabitants with visual and materialistic culture. In a city which can only be “seen”, what do we see?


SoCO is the benefiting organization of ArtWalk 2010. SoCO will organize an exhibition of invisible groups in Hong Kong with ArtWalk from 17/3 evening to 27/3. The Schoeni Gallery kindly sponsors the exhibition venue.


This exhibition unveils a secret which has been hidden and opens a wound that has not healed. Treading the back alleys of the old neighborhoods, climbing on the trucks, stepping on the ruined staircases, crawling into packed cage homes, it serves as a conscious endeavor to disarticulate alienation and estrangement through a close encounter with these “invisibles” in our city. They are: struggling technician, diligent janitor, idealistic refugee, lonesome mentally deranged, conscientious child-warrior…


When the mainstream media are constructing celebratory narratives of economic success, this exhibition reminds us that there are the anonymous “invisibles” who contribute to this same prosperous dream…


香港社區組織協會將於2010年3月17日至3月27日期間, 在中環畫廊舉行無形@香港展覽,展示不同隱蔽社群的攝影及故事,不同籠屋板房的模型,是次展覽是2010年ArtWalk展覽系列之一。


ArtWalk是全港一年一度舉行的最受歡迎的藝術慈善活動,今年將於3月17日(星期三)晚上5時至12時舉行,65間中環、灣仔、香港仔、黃竹坑、銅鑼灣及太古城的畫廊參與是次活動,屆時參加者可以一邊欣賞藝術,一邊品賞美酒佳餚,門票收益捐助慈善團體(成人$430 學生$100),今年的受惠機構是香港社區組織協會。ArtWalk自2005年開始將門票收益捐贈香港社區組織協會,支持服務弱勢社群及推動人權工作。




Exhibition details (展覽詳情 )

  • Exhibition Date (展期):  17 March to 27 March 2010 (Sunday Close)
  • Exhibition Time (時間):  10:30am – 6:30pm
  • Venue (地址): Schoeni Art Gallery, G/F 27 Hollywood Road Central (中區警署斜對面)
  • (Free Admission 免費入場)

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