Homeless – Life Stories in Hong Kong and Taiwan
About exhibition 有關展覽
Every person on the street has his or her own story.
In Hong Kong, some were private tutors before, some had led dance troupes and some are ethnic Vietnamese who spent half of their lives building and serving Hong Kong…… In Taiwan, some were projectionists before, some were “Big Issue” sellers in the streets and some had played different roles in temple fairs…..
Yet as time moves on and society changes, personal predicaments have driven them to become street roamers.
SoCO has partnered with Homeless Taiwan to present “Homeless – Life Stories in Hong and Taiwan” Exhibition to allow the public to take a detailed look at their stories through these fading images.
香港社區組織協會夥拍 台灣芒草心慈善協會,呈獻《無家者-港台生活誌》展覽,讓公眾從一幅幅沖刷的影像中,細覽無家者們曾經的風景。
Exhibition details 展覽詳情
- Exhibition Date: 30/4/2019 to 6/5/2019
- Exhibition Time: 10:00 – 22:00
- Venue: Hong Kong Cultural Centre Foyer Exhibition Areas E3
- Photography by:
Hong Kong- Lei Jih-sheng
Taiwan- Will Lin, Yang Yun Sheng
- (Free Admission)
- 展期: 30/4/2019 to 6/5/2019
- 時間: 10:00 – 22:00
- 地址: 香港文化中心地下大堂E3展區
- 攝影:
- (免費入場)
- Text:
Kim, Ha, Irene Chan, Chio Hio Tong, Chan Yau Nga Alpha, Stephanie Yang
- Translator:
Chan Lai Lan Rita, Cheung Ka Yu Karen, Pin Xi,
Ng Hon-wah, Kemmiss Pun , Grace Tsoi, Amelia Luk, Margaret So
- 文字:
- 翻譯:
特備活動 Special Events
Guide Tour of ‘Homeless – Life Stories in Hong Kong and Taiwan’ Exhibition
- Date:
- 1. 3 May 2019 (FRI) Time: 8p.m. to 9:30p.m.
- 2. 4 May 2019 (SAT) Time: 2p.m. to 3:30p.m.
- 3. 4 May 2019 (SAT) Time: 4:30p.m. to 6:30p.m.
- Venue: Hong Kong Cultural Centre Foyer Exhibition Areas E3
- Enrollment will be made on first-come-first-served basis. (Priority to ‘Homless’ publication purchaser.)
Enrollment Form: https://bit.ly/2VUWqc9
- 日期:
- 1. 3/5/2019 (五) 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
- 2. 4/5/2019 (六) 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- 3. 4/5/2019 (六) 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- 地址: 香港文化中心地下大堂E3展區
- 報名留位 名額有限 先到先得 ( 名額以訂購《無家者》書籍人士優先)
[SoCO x Homeless Taiwan] Publications Pre-sale Early Bird offer!
【社協 x 芒草心】出版書籍早鳥優惠!

SoCO’s latest publication “Life Stories of the Homeless” photo album (Bilingual in Chinese and English) & “Homeless- Never Thought I Had Such A Day” (Chinese version only) by Homeless Taiwan now on sale!
Now until 6th May 2019, order any publication item you can enjoy early bird offers, and get 2 priority tickets to join our ‘Homeless – Life Stories in Hong Kong and Taiwan’ exhibition guided tour*, you may interact with real life charaters from the books.
For details: https://bit.ly/2GwixjT
由即日起至 2019年5月6日前訂購 社協最新出版之《無家者生活誌》攝影集 /台灣芒草心慈善協會出版之《無家者-從未想過我有這麼一天》,即可享早鳥優惠,以及優先換取2張《無家者-港台生活誌》展覽公眾導賞*入場劵,與無家者互動交流。
Homeless-Life Stories
in Hong Kong and Taiwan
HO, Hei Wah, B.B.S., J.P.
Director, Society for Community Organization
Translated by Ng Hon Wah
SoCO has been serving the marginalized community and street-sleepers since 1999. Since 2002, we have kept on publishing Homeless, which is a series of collections of writings and pictures to record the street-sleepers’ stories of struggling for existence. We once hoped, idealistically, that there would be no street-sleeper in Hong Kong and we could wind up our work with success. It is a pity that things do not turn out the way we wish. After 20 years, the street-sleeper population has risen instead of fallen. The trend in recent years suggests that further increases will be inevitable. The number has increased from 511 in 2011 to 1270 in 2018, an increase of nearly 150%. During the period, the number of government subsidized hostel bed spaces has increased by 20 only. There is a long-term shortage in hostel bed spaces. However, it appears that the government has no intention to “race to make up for the lagging behind” in the same they do for housing and land supplies. Rather, they gratefully allow the homeless lag behind at the fringe of the society.
Faced with such predicament, we can perhaps bring new ideas into our work by looking at other parts of the world. Work for the homeless even in a place as near as Taiwan is worth taking as reference for Hong Kong. Since quite some time ago, Taiwan has let in the British social enterprise for the homeless, Big Issue,translated in Taiwan as The Big Issue Taiwan in Chinese. To the homeless and underprivileged communities responsible for peddling the magazines, it provides employment opportunities, enabling them to rehabilitate on their own efforts. There are also street guided tours for the homeless to guide members of the public to know their life, which if known to few people. As a result of campaigning by the homeless people and their organizations, the homeless may, during daytime, deposit their belongings in stipulated places in Taipei Railway Station and nearby park, where the belongings are managed by designated staff and placed tidily. Thus, the homeless and general members of the public can live harmoniously in the community without interfering with each other.
Helplessly, Taiwan, like Hong Kong, is faced with the challenge posed by exorbitant rent and poor living environment, which propel the rapid increase in the homeless population in both places. The homeless also start to sleep in 24-hour chain fast food shops and internet cafes. Therefore, SoCO hopes that the present exhibition, Homeless-Life Stories in Hong Kong and Taiwan, will unveil and compare the living conditions of the homeless in the two places, enable the voice of the homeless to be heard and arouse public concern for the homeless.
For the smooth holding of the present exhibition and the exchange program among the homeless of the two places, thanks are due to various organisations and volunteers for their relentless assistance. They are: Oxfam Hong Kong, exhibition and exchange program sponsor; photographer Lei Jih-sheng, who for nearly 20 years since 2002, has voluntarily shoot for SoCO the Homelessseries of photo albums; Homeless Taiwan Association; Taiwanese photographers Ching-Wei Lin and Yang Yun Sheng; the six writers – Irene Chan, Chan Yau Nga Alpha, Chio Hio Tong, Stephanie Yang, Kim and Ha – who compose for us the stories of the homeless. Most important of all, of course, there are the homeless people in the two places, who are willing to disclose to the public their truest aspect.
We have heard that the film I’m Livin’ It will be screened in Hong Kong shortly. The film is mainly about dribs and drabs of the homeless people’s life in 24-hour fast food restaurants. SoCO hopes that the society at large will not regard the homeless as merely “strangers” and will accept homeless people as part of the society. At the same time, to the homeless people in Hong Kong and Taiwan, we wish to say that, as with the concept behind the social housing ‘Friend Home operated by SoCO since 2018, they should re-establish from the beginning the strength and endurance of life, be robust and independent and change from “homeless” to become “with home”.

何喜華B.B.S., J.P.
面對如斯窘局,或可放眼世界,為我們的工作帶來新思維。近如台灣的無家者工作,也十分值得本港參考。台灣早已引入英國無家者社會企業《BIG ISSUE》,在台灣中文譯名為《大誌雜誌》,為負責販賣此雜誌的無家者及弱勢社群提供工作機會,自力更生;也有街頭導賞團,讓無家者帶領公眾人士認識他們鮮為人知的生活;在無家者與團體的爭取下,無家者在白天可將家當放置於台北車站及附近公園的指定位置,並由專責人員管理,將物品井井有條地擺放,讓無家者與普羅大眾於社區共融地生活而互不影響。
聞說香港電影《麥路人》(I’m Livin’ it) 快將上畫,電影主要講述在24小時快餐店內無家者的生活點滴,社協寄望社會大眾,不要視無家者只如「陌路人」,也接納無家者成為社會的一份子。同時,寄語港台兩地的無家者,如社協於2018年開始營運的社會房屋-「友家」理念一樣,重新建立生命的韌性及耐性,茁壯自立,從「無家者」成為真正的「有家者」。