About exhibition (有關展覽 )
40 square feet can be the size of a toilet, a kitchen or a balcony. It is just enough for three or four people to lie down, four or five swivel chairs, or 57 pieces of tiled A4-sized paper. But to some people, it is the size of the entire house which they call home.
The tiny space in this house compels you to do everything on or around the bed: sleeping, washing vegetables, having meals, writing letters and watching TV. For some people, it is also where the children do homework and play games. Living here is like being trapped in a cage. Dilemma is what it’s all about. If you need to catch your breath, stay in this trap and entertain yourself.
Now, SoCO is hosting photo exhibition – Trapped to reveal severe housing problems in Hong Kong with photographs and a video. Photographer Benny Lam captures the breathless moments where residents are trapped in cage homes and subdivided units. Three young Hong Kong people Natalie Chan, Nicola Fan and Sherman Makvolunteered for a touching short film about actions and hope.
香港社區組織協會現正舉辦攝影展「侷住」,以相片和影像為你披露香港日益嚴峻的房屋問題。攝影師Benny Lam以獨特視角呈現籠屋、板房的侷促環境,3位香港年輕人陳曉慧 (Natalie Chan),范嘉恩 (Nicola Fan) 和麥曜麟( Sherman Mak) 義務拍攝短片,講述數位香港市民親身行動,改變社會不公,協助基層逃出困局的故事。
Exhibition details (展覽詳情 )
- Exhibition Date (展期): 16/5/2014 to 13/7/2014
- Exhibition Time (時間): 14:00 – 20:00 (Fir/ Sat /Sun), Others by appointment
- Venue (地址): 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
深水埗汝州街 269號 1樓 (近深水埗鐵路站出口C2)
- (Free Admission 免費入場)