Our Treasure – 10 years later
About exhibition (有關展覽 )
In the winter of 2004, SoCO, with the support of KPMG and our volunteers, published Our Treasure, our first photography book showing 29 local children living in poverty and an Exhibition was held. This was an attempt to raise public awareness about the issue of poverty running through generations of the same families. This book touched many in our community and also raised government awareness about poverty in Hong Kong.
The poet Jia Dao says, “It takes ten years to sharpen a sword.” Growing up in difficult circumstances, our children face a bumpy road and uncertain future. Nevertheless, with unquestioning love from their families and kind assistance from others, these children preserved their innocence and ambition to thrive, never complaining nor abandoning their sense of responsibility to family and society. Their future is uncertain, but their perseverance and strength deserve recognition. This reminds us of a line by poet Wang Bo, “Be strong in the face of adversity, never give up your ambitions and the sky is the limit.”
Over the past decade, the children’s parents epitomise an ‘Below the Lion Rock’ spirit, taking great pains to raise their beloved children, their treasures. Despite this admirable attitude, their challenges also reveal the inadequacies of current social policies. More needs to done to create a just and caring community – a community in which we would like our future generations to live in.
We are grateful to the children and their parents for their selfless sharing of personal experiences. It gives everyone an opportunity to see the less fortunate in our community and acknowledge some hard truths. We are also grateful to KPMG and our volunteer photographers, designers and mentors for their continuing support over the last decade. This caring flame will continue into the future and we look forward to passing the torch!
2004年的寒冬,本會和一群在社會底層掙扎求存的小孩子,在畢馬威會計師事務所(畢馬威)和義工的支援下,為香港這炎涼的都市燃起一把暖火 – 出版第一本貧窮兒童攝影集”寶貝”和舉辦攝影展,感動不少社會人士,亦喚醒政府面對跨代貧窮問題。
賈島詩云:「十年磨一劍」。十年光景磨練,這些在困境中成長的孩子,前路崎嶇不平,際遇各有不同。但在濃厚親情、熱心援手的支持下,我們看到,無論環境多困難、現實多殘忍,孩子們沒有必然的怨懟,沒有悲情的控訴,仍能保存赤子之心,躊躇滿志,滿腔抱負力爭上游,沒有忘記自己的家庭和社會責任。 這些孩子日後的發展仍是未知數,但他們人窮志不窮和熱心助人的品格,卻是人生最可貴的,讓人想起王勃的詩句:「窮且益堅,不墜青雲之志。」
Exhibition details (展覽詳情 )
[Free admission : 免費入場]
- Exhibition Date (展期) : 11 Jul – 30 Aug 2015
- Exhibition Time (時間): 12pm – 7pm (Every Sat, Sun)
- Venue (地址): 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
九龍深水埗汝州街269號一樓 (SoCO 269)
- Exhibition Date (展期 ): 17 Apr – 5 Jul 2015
- Exhibition Time (時間): 12pm – 7pm (Every Fri, Sat, Sun)
- Venue (地址): 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
九龍深水埗汝州街269號一樓 (SoCO 269)
- Exhibition Date (展期 ): 18 Jan – 24 Jan 2015
- Exhibition Time (時間): 10am – 10pm
- Venue (地址): Atrium, 1st floor, Hysan Place, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
- Free Admission 免費入場
特備活動Special Events
1. 「跨代貧窮」面對面
Date: 17 May 2015 (Sun)
Time: 3pm to 5pm
2. 改變從「小」開始
Date: 7 June 2015 (Sun)
Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm
3. 真人圖書館@新移民小朋友
Date: 5 July 2015 (Sun)
Time: 3:30 – 6:30pm