一人生活 – 精神病康復者圖文展覽
有關展覽 About exhibition
People with mental illness usually live their lives alone. This exhibition contains 14 stories of people with mental Illness. The photos reveal their character, their courage in meeting life’s challenges, and how they cope with adversities. Through lens and pen, SoCO brings their inspiring stories to the public.
展覽詳情 Exhibition details
- 展期 Exhibition Date: 21 April (Sat) to 26 April (Thu) 2007
- 時間 Exhibition Time: 10:00 – 22:00
- 地址 Venue: Exhibition area E3 and E4, Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 尖沙咀文化中心E3及E4展區
- (Free Admission 免費入場)