無形@香港 – 隱蔽社群展覽
有關展覽 About exhibition
The Invisible: Exhibition of the Hidden Communities in Hong Kong
Hong Kong, a city embodying glamour and affluence, embracing information explosion and technological advancement, overwhelms its inhabitants with visual and materialistic culture. In a city which can only be “seen”, what do we see?
This exhibition unveils a secret which has been hidden and opens a wound that has not healed. Treading the back alleys of the old neighborhoods, stepping on the ruined staircases, crawling into packed cage homes, visiting the learning center at urban slums, it serves as a conscious endeavor to disarticulate alienation and estrangement through a close encounter with these “invisibles” in our city. They are: struggling technician, diligent janitor, idealistic refugee, lonesome mentally deranged, hardworking immigrant from the mainland China, conscientious child-warrior…
When the mainstream media are constructing celebratory narratives of economic success, this exhibition reminds us that there are the anonymous “Invisibles” who contribute to this same prosperous dream…
展覽詳情 Exhibition details
- 日期 Date: 2015年10月16日至12月20日(逢星期五,六,日) 16 Oct to 20 Dec 2015(Every Fri, Sat, Sun)
- 時間 Time: 12:00pm -7:00pm
- 地點 Venue: 九龍深水汝州街269號一樓 SoCO 269, 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
- 聯絡: 2713 9165