活一生人 – 精神病康復者攝影展
有關展覽 About exhibition
「眾人看他們,除了病,就似一無所有;久而久之,竟致看不見他們藏著的,一顆希罕的、赤誠的心。」– 陳慧
Heart touching work tells the life and times of people who suffer from mental illness; Singer Denise Ho and writer Wai Chan sincerely recommend.
“They act as a mirror for the rest of us “normal” people, reflecting the darkness that exists not only in society but also in every one of us. The trials and tribulations of their lives aren’t theirs alone to overcome. There’s a collective lesson in there for all of us.” By hocc (Denise Ho)
展覽詳情 Exhibition details
- 開幕 Opening: 7pm – 9pm, October 24,2014
- 展期 Exhibition Date: October 3-6, 2014
- 時間 Exhibition Time: 10 am-10pm
- 地址 Venue: Ground floor, Exhibition area E3 and E4, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀香港文化中心地下大堂E3及E4展區
- 展期 Exhibition Date: October 24 – December 21 Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- 時間 Exhibition Time: 12pm – 7pm
- 地址 Venue: 1st floor, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po 深水埗汝州街269號1樓
- (Free Admission 免費入場)
特備活動Special Events
1. 放映活動: 紀錄片《十日談》 Screening: Documentary The Decameron
Introduction: Produced by Hocc Charity Fund and directed by Mak Yan Yan, The Decameron is a documentary of high quality which explores social causes of mental illness and reveals problems of society.
Date: 8/11/2014
Time: 7pm-9pm
Venue: 1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
2. 真人圖書館:借閱真人,聆聽故事 – Human Library: “Borrow” a person; Read real stories
Introduction: What do you think of people with mental illness? Have you ever talked with them? Co-organized by SoCO and Breakazine!, Human Library@ People suffering from mental illness involves persons as books in sharing their marginalized stories. Let’s join us as a sincere good reader!
Date: 22/11/2014, Sat
Time: 3pm-6pm
3. 講座分享:「你如何看精神病康復者?復元概念新角度 Talks: The recovery perspective:A fresh view of mental illness
簡介:鄭仲仁先生(Vincent) 與精神疾病生活了30年,亦成為社工幫回同路人,在本港積極推廣以復元觀點來服務精神病康復者,對精神疾病有深切體驗與理解。本會邀請Vincent與公眾分享如何看精神困擾,社會大眾如何對待它及相關的復元人士等。
Introduction: Living with mental illness for the past 30 years, Mr. Vincent Cheng also works as social worker to serve people who share similar experience with him. With in-depth understanding of mental illness, Vincent is dedicated to promoting the recovery values. In this talk, SoCO invites Vincent to share his view on mental distress and how public view on it.
Date: 13/12/2014, Sat
Time: 3pm-5pm
4. 團體導賞 Group Visits & Tour
Introduction: In-depth introduction of people who suffer from mental illness by social workers; suitable for groups of 20-35 persons; each tour lasts one hour
收費:非牟利團體:HK $500/團; 商業機構:HK $1,000/團
Charges: Non-profit organizations: HK$ 500/group; Business institutions: HK$ 1,000/group