野宿三 – 露宿者攝影展

野宿三 – 露宿者攝影展

有關展覽 About exhibition




Having recorded the life of Hong Kong homeless people for 15 years, SoCO and photographer Lei Jih-sheng published Homeless III, the third photo collection of street sleepers. Following Homeless I & II, the new collection features the shrinking living space of the homeless in the metropolis, as well as their helplessness and dismay.


展覽詳情 Exhibition details

  • (Free Admission 免費入場)
  • 2014年5月13日- 6月13日 8am – 11pm | 柴灣青年廣場的Y展覽平台13 May to 13 Jun, 2014 8am – 11pm | Exhibition Podium, Youth Square, Chai Wan


  • 2014年2月10日- 2月16日 10am -10pm |尖沙咀香港文化中心地下大堂E3及E4展區10 am-10pm, Feb 10-16, 2014 | Ground floor, Exhibition area E3 and E4, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui


  • 2014年2月28日- 3月30日 逢星期五、六、日 12pm-6pm | 深水汝州街269號1樓 12pm – 6pm, Feb 28 – Mar 30, 2014 Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday | 1st floor, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po

特備活動Special Events

1. 公眾教育活動 Activities of Public Education

深水埗展覽期間,「野宿三」還將舉辦一系列公眾教育活動。如有興趣參加,請透過電話 2713 9165或電郵socohkg@gmail.com報名,謝謝!

Public education activities will be held during the exhibition in SSP. If you are interested, please book in advance by calling 2713 9165 or sending email to socohkg@gmail.com. Thanks!


  • 團體導賞 Group Visits & Tour


In-depth introduction of homelessness by social workers; suitable for groups of 20-35 persons; each tour lasts one hour

  • 收費:非牟利團體:HK $1,000/團; 商業機構:HK $2,000/團

Charges: Non-profit organizations: HK$ 1,000/group; Business institutions: HK$ 2,000/group

  • 報名時請告知適合你的時間 Please inform time you prefer during registration


2. 講座分享 Talks & Sharing


Sharing of homeless stories and relevant policy issues; each sharing lasts one hour

  • 收費:HK$50/人 Charges: HK$ 50/人

報名時請選擇適合你的時間 Please select time you prefer during registration

1/3/2014, 4pm-5pm □ 8/3/2014, 4pm-5pm

15/3/2014, 4pm-5pm □ 22/3/2014, 4pm-5pm



3. 記錄片《曙光足球隊 Homeless FC》放映 Public Screening of Homeless FC

導演James Leong, Lynn Lee歷時一年跟拍一群露宿朋友參加無家者世界杯的故事

Homeless FC follows a group of homeless people, who tried hard to participate in the Homeless World Cup

  • 捐助社協: HK$ 40/人 Donation HK$ 40/person
  • 時間 Time:29/3/2014, 4pm-6pm

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