SOS 999 衙門.差館 – 藝術與手藝展覽
有關展覽 About exhibition
屋雖細,但這裡的婦女不會比其他人「小」。她們努力勤奮,竭盡所能,安定家所, 讓孩子在安全融合環境長大成人,走向正途。
戰後大埔舊差館堅守推動火車建設的大任,才可成今天新界之境象。戰亂官民互相猜疑、最後又怎樣把方案平𧗾,共建安定家園, 複雜程度絶不比今天少。
今次展品全賴各有心人用心硏究,每每多走一歩, 共同找出解決方案。最後成新設計, 新靈感和新創作。
展覽詳情 Exhibition details
- 展期 Exhibition Date: 11/5/2019 to 30/6/2019
- 時間 Exhibition Time: 11:00 – 18:00 (Sat /Sun 星期六/日), Others by appointment
- 地址 Venue:
1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po (close to Sham Shui Po railway station Exit C2)
深水埗汝州街 269號 1樓 (近深水埗鐵路站出口C2)
- (Free Admission 免費入場)
合辦 Co-organisers:
愛連心 Les Beatitudes
香港社區組織協會 Society for Community Organization (SoCO)
周大福慈善基金 Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation

世上有無 . . . . 點都WIN (贏)?
盲人凹凸點字+縫紉媽媽巧手=Sure WIN
點都WIN Tote Bag

香港社區組織協會 婦女工作計劃
為了支援基層婦女脱貧,香港社區組織協會一方面倡議增設托兒服務、立法推行家庭友善、支援婦女創業等,另一方面與社企, 慈善機構及公司合作,為婦女提供培訓、在家工作及創業的機會。以助基層婦女發揮所長,並改善她們的生計。
Women Work Empowerment
Project by Society for Community Organization
To support the women to grow out of poverty, Society for Community Organization (SoCO) advocates more childcare support, stronger legislations to promote family-friendly culture, and support for women’s entrepreneurship. At the same time, SoCO also partners with social enterprises, NGO and companies to offer women the opportunities to work at home, receive training and develop entrepreneurship. This could help unleash the potential of the grassroots women and may improve their livelihood.
These women are all from grassroots families and they devote themselves on caring of the family. They may be plain and ordinary, yet they are all diligent mothers. Their skillful hands, can-do spirit and the urge for a happy and fruitful life for the family lead them to sew and make leather goods for Les Beatitudes. Every stitch and thread represents these mothers’ love for their family and most of hope for the society!
現時香港貧窮人口為137.7萬,女性貧窮人口高達744 ,000,佔貧窮人口超過一半(54%),其中不少因為照顧家庭,而未能工作,侷住陷入貧窮中。為了倡議婦女工作權利,過去幾年,本會與愛連心 (Les Beatitudes https://www.lesbeatitudes.com/ ) 合作培訓過百名婦女製作手袋、皮革用品等,宣揚本地創作及手作。呼籲男女互助,更請男士捐贈領帶作為材料,支持環保。設計以香港交通公具及文化為主題的圖案,宣揚本地特色及香港故事。
Hong Kong has 1.37.7million people living in poverty and over 744,000 are women (54%). Many women are at a disadvantaged position, as they have to take care of their family and cannot work full time. In order to support women in need, SoCO has partnered with Les Beatitudes to provide training to over a hundred mothers on hand made bags and leather goods. We encourage men to support by donating their neckties as material to re-use and recycle, a ”HeForShe” project. Through the hand made art and craft, we retell the story of the city through interesting and uniquely Hong Kong heritage and transportation all via collage designs.
Underprivileged women poverty situation
香港人囗 740 萬
HK Population 7.40 M
香港貧窮人囗 137.7萬
Poverty Pop. 1.37.7M
女性•貧窮人囗 74.4萬
Female Poverty 0.744M
籠屋劏房人數: 21萬
No of people live in
inadequate housing : 0.21M
女性租住劏房人數: 11萬
No of women live in inadequate housing: 0.11M
Subdivided Flat : avg 100 ft
Subdivided Flat : avg $40/ft
籠屋平均呎租: HK$126/呎
Cage home : 15 sq ft
Cage home: HK$ 126/ ft
資料: 2017年統計處 扶貧委員會之「2017年香港貧窮情況報告」
Source : Statistics and Censue Department, 2017 “Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report 2017”
第三條: 「締約各國應承擔在所有領域,特別是在政治、社會、經濟、文化領域,採取一切適當措施,包括制定法律,保證婦女得到充分發展和進步,其目的是為確保她們在與男子平等的基礎上,行使和享有人權和基本自由。」
第十一條: 「人人有不可剝奪的工作權利,締約各國應採取一切適當措施,消除在就業方面對婦女的歧視,以保證她們在男女平等的基礎上享有相同的權利。」
Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
Article 3: “States Parties shall take in all fields, in particular in the political, social, economic and cultural fields, all appropriate measures, including legislation, to ensure the full development and advancement of women, for the purpose of guaranteeing them the exercise and enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms on a basis of equality with men..”
Article 11: “States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in the field of employment in order to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women, the same right……”
手作媽媽的故事,請登入: https://soco.org.hk/soco_past/womenexh/index.htm#story
Story of the mothers, please click to https://soco.org.hk/soco_past/womenexh/index.htm#story

Co-organizer :
Les Beatutides & Ms Margaret Leung
Sponsor for exhibition in Sham Shui Po :
周大福慈善基金 Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation
Whole series of exhibition:
黃廷方慈善基金 Ng Teng Feng Charitable Foundation、信和集團 Sino Group
Panel Design : Henry Lee
Exhibition Mounting : Henry Lee & Leo Chow
手作媽媽 Handbags Sewing Mother:
潘萬玲 Ling POON、池桂葉 Susan CHI、王桂英 WONG Kwai Ying、
藍壬嬌 LAN Renjiao、李月琴 LI Yuet Kam、張月明 CHEUNG Yuet Ming 、
蕭毫英 XlAO Hao Ying、陳轉歡 CHAN Chuen Foon 、杜開雲 DU Kaiyun、
陳鳳仙 CHAN Fung Sin、蕭汝群 XIAO Ru qun、馮林利 FENG LinLi、
凌嘉敏 Carmen Ling、林素芬 Sofia Lam、黃雅娜 Wong NgaNa、
朱孝君 Kathy CHU、黃小群 Huang Xiaoqun
Advisor for Les Beatitudes:
Principal at Chun Tok School,黎美霞LAI Mi Har
Vice Principal at Chun Tok School, 程秀雯 CHING Sau Man
SoCO Funding Partners:
Bread for the World
The Community Chest of Hong Kong
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic
劉卓然慈善基金 Lau Cheuk Yin Charitable Foundation
查詢 Enquiry: 27139165