2015. 1. 10 2014 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List
2014. 1. 25 2013 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List
2013. 4. 17 Society for Community Organization Artwalk 2013 Home, Street Home - Photo Exhibition of the Homeless in Hong Kong Press release
2013. 4. 8 Society for Community Organization Artwalk 2013 Home, Street Home - Photo Exhibition of the Homeless in Hong Kong
2013. 3. 4 No real promise for democracy or eradication of poverty --- Hong Kong Human Rights Commission's Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the Universal Periodic Review (Second Cycle) of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
2013. 1. 19
2012 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List
2013. 1. 18

Society for Community Organization Hong Kong Human Rights Commission Children's Rights Association - Submission from the Hong Kong Underprivileged Children and NGOs to the United Nations Committee on the Rights
of the Child on the Second Report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China under
the Convention on the Rights of the Child

2012. 10. 15
Society for Community Organization Press conference on problems of Widespread use of solitary confinement in HK prisons despite calls for its abolishment by the United Nations (English press release)
2012. 10. 3
Society for Community Organization Hong Kong Human Rights Commission Press release on UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities criticizes Hong Kong Government for inadequate measures for mentally ill and elderly
2012. 1. 21
2011 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List
2011. 1. 22
2010 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List
2010. 5. 17
Society for Community Organization Hong Kong Human Rights Commission - Comments on the Revised Code of Practice on Employment under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance Submission to the Panel on Constitutional Affairs for the meeting on 17 May 2010
2010. 4. 1
Society for Community Organization Comments on Code of Practice for Requiring Persons to Furnish Information or Produce Material under Section 12A of the United Nations (Anti-terrorism Measures) Ordinance (Cap. 575) - Submission to Subcommittee on Proposed Resolution under Section 12A of the United Nations (Anti-terrorism Measures) Ordinance (Cap. 575).
2010. 1. 23
2009 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List
2009. 11. 1

Society for Community Organization Civil Rights Law Center - Press release 1 November 2009 Improve the Detention Conditions at police stations (1 November 2009)

2009. 7. 27
Society for Community Organization Hong Kong Human Rights Commission- Submission to the Bills Committee on Immigration (Amendment) Bill 2009 for the meeting to be held on 27 July 2009
2009. 6. 12
Comments on the Code of Practice on Employment under the Race Discrimination Ordinance - Submission to the Subcommittee on Race Discrimination (Formal Investigations) Rules, Race Discrimination (Investigation and Conciliation) Rules and Code of Practice on Employment under the Race Discrimination Ordinance For the meeting on 12 June 2009.
2009. 3. 16
Society for Community Organization Comments on Revised Draft Code of Practice on Employment under the Race Discrimination Ordinance
2009. 3. 3
Society for Community Organization - ArtWalk 2009 Cage Home Exhibition
2009. 1. 31
2008 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List
2008. 12. 15
Society for Community Organization - Government fails in report to United Nations to mention racial discrimination by law enforcement agencies Press release (Full submission to Legislative Council)
2008. 12. 2
Society for Community Organization - Protection of human rights under the United Nations (Anti-terrorism Measures) (Amendment) Ordinance (Cap. 575) - Submission to Panel on Security on the Proposed Code of Practice to be made for the United Nations (Anti-terrorism Measures) Ordinance (Cap. 575). For the LegCo Panel on Security meeting 2 December 2008, Item VI.
2008. 11. 5
Society for Community Organiation Comments on: Draft Code of practice on Employment: Race Discrimination Ordinance
2008. 10. 6
Society for Community Organization World Habitate Day - Cagehome lodgers marched to the Government Office before the release of Policy Address criticizing the inapt anti-poverty policies under high inflation and high rental price (Chinese version only)
2008. 9. 23
Society for Community Organization Grassroot housing rights concern group Submission to the Chief Executive on the recommendations of Policy Address 2008/09 (Chinese version only)
2008. 9
Hong Kong Human Rights Commission No time table for democracy or eradication of poverty - Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the Universal Periodic Review of Hong Kong SAR, China
2008. 9. 4
Hong Kong Human Rights Commission Society for Community Organization Degrading strip search procedures by law enforcement agencies Report to the United Nations Committee Against Torture on the Second Report by Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under Article 19 of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Full Report)
2008. 8. 29
Society for Community Organization Appeal to the Ombudsman to investigate strip search procedures
2008. 8. 24
Society for Community Organization Government strip searches detainees in front of other detainees
2008. 7. 21
Society for Community Organization Low-income families Concern Association Petition to the Chief Executive and Education Bureau regarding the reform of after school child care services
2008. 7. 16
Asylum seekers strip searched by the Police and the Correctional Services - Submission to the Subcommittee on Police's Handling of Searches of Detainees - Society for Community Organization and Asylum Seekers' and Refugees' Voice
2008. 7. 14
Position paper in respsonse to the Measures for alleviating the difficulties of general public announced by the Chief Executive (Chinese version only)
2008. 4
Submission to Bills Committee on Race Discrimination Bill on the Interpreter services at hospitals for ethnic minorities by Hong Kong Human Rights Commission, Society for Community Organization, Asylum Seekers' and Refugees' Voice
2008. 1. 26

2007 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List

2007. 9. 27
Urgent appeal regarding the Hong Kong government's racial discrimination bill - Submission to Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination by Hong Kong Human Rights Commission, Society for Community Organization, New Immigrants Mutual Aid Association, Asylum Seekers' and Refugees' Voice Press release
2007. 9. 14

Hong Kong Human Rights Commission Society for Community Organization Asylum Seekers' and Refugees' Voice Urgent Appeal to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees concerning UNHCR-HK and Hong Kong Government violate asylum seekers' rights (September 2007) Press release Urgent appeal report Appeal Letter

2007. 9. 11
SoCO Position paper on the Green Paper on the Constitutional Development (Chinese version)
2007. 8. 8
SoCO Flag Day 2007 at Hong Kong Island
2007. 6. 16
Homeless II - Photo Exhibition of Street-sleepers
2007. 4. 21
Live Alone A Life - Photo Exhibition of People with Mental Illness
2007. 1. 27
2006 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List
2006. 8. 12
SoCO Flag Day 812
2006. 7. 18
SoCO Asylum seekers make petition to HKSAR government and legislative councilors to enact a refugee policy Press release
2006. 7. 16
Refugee Concern Network Press release
2006. 2. 5


2005 Society for Community Organization Fund Raising Raffle Ticket Winners' List

2005. 1. 31
Submission to the Panel on Health Services of the Legislative Council on the introduction of a standard drug formulary in Hospital Authority (Chinese version only)
2005. 1. 19
SoCO Meeting with the official of the Housing Department to complain on the harsh application criteria for pubilc housing for the elderly (Chinese version only)
2005. 1. 10
SoCO - Submission to the Welfare panel of the Legislative Council on assisting the children living on the CSSA (Chinese version only)
2004. 12. 14
Our Treasure (寶貝) - the Photo Exhibition of the Children living in Poverty
2004. 12. 3
Racial Discrimination in Hong Kong: A Focus on the Treatment of New Immigrants from Mainland China under the Future Racial Discrimination Ordinance, Society for Community Organization (2004)
2004. 11. 29
SoCO position paper on rent adjustment of the public housing (Chinese version only)
2004. 11. 11
SoCO together with the streetsleepers lodged complaint against the discriminatory actions by the Government officials to LegCO redress system
2004. 10. 18
SoCO complained to the Services and Guarding Services Industry Authority concerning the unjust amendments concerning the Security and Guarding Services Ordinance (SGSO)
2004. 10. 13
SoCO World Habitat Day Press release on the survey on cagehome and cubicles in 2004 (Report) (Chinese version only)
2004. 9. 19
SoCO & New Immirgrants Mutual Aid Association - Press release in response to the consultation document on legislation against racial discrimination by the Home Affairs Bureau and the announcment of the survey on the experience of discrimination of the New Immigrants from the mainland China and their expectations to the legislation
2004. 9. 16
SoCO & New Immigrants Mutual Aid Association - Press release in response to the consultation document on legislation against racial dicrimination by the Home Affairs Bureau - Protect New Immigrants from the mainland China against racial discriminiation
2004. 9. 16
Society for Community Organization(SoCO) and Coalition for Racial Equality (CoRE) -- Press release: The government's release of the
consultation paper on legislation against racial discrimination
flawed from the outset
2004. 9. 3
SoCO & Coalition for Racial Equality - Signature Campaign for Interpreters in Hospitals Press release (English version) (中文)
2004. 8. 30
SoCO & Children's Rights Concern Group Press release on the study of the expenditure for participating extra-curricular activities and learning programs (Chinese version only)
2004. 8. 29
SoCO's position paper on the suggested policy reform for the candidates of the election of Legislative Council 2004
2004. 8. 17
SoCO's submission to the investigation panel on the incident of the Equal Opportunities Commission (Chinese version only)
2004. 3. 21

Press statement on The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March 2004)

2004. 3. 8

Submission to the Welfare Panel of Legislative Council discussing the measures of tackling the problem of poverty

(Streetsleeper) (non-CSSA elderly) (children)

2004. 3. 7
The press conference on releasing the findings on the Suvery of the Living conditions of New Immigrants Women in slum (Chinese version)
2004. 2. 22
The press conference on releasing the findings on the Study the Nepalese community in Hong Kong (Executive Summary) (Chinese version) (English version)
2004. 2. 8
The press conference of the survey on the living and economic situation of the old-age tenants living at old buildings (position paper) (research summary) (Chinese version only)
2004. 1. 18

Today's Children, Future of Hong Kong - the alarming situation of the deprived children in Hong Kong - Press conference on the survey on the living standard of the children on CSSA (Position paper, case summaries and abstract) (Chinese version only)

2003. 10. 5
World Habitat Day 2003 - Decent Housing for the Children living at Urban Slums
2003. 7.8
Employment service support and financial assistance provided to adult rehabilitated offenders -- SoCO attend the LegCO's Panel on Security with the leaders of the ex-offenders
2003. 6.1

International Children's Day -- Press conference on releasing the research findings related to the children living in cocklofts, cubicles at urban slums --- see Position paper (Chinese version) (full report)

Position paper (English version) (summary report)

2003. 4.14
SUPPORT TO THE POOR TO FIGHT AGAINST SARS! -- In order to assist the poor citizens to fight against the atypical pneumonia, SoCO raise a campaign for donating face masks and the cleaning detergents. You can participate by different means ... ...
World Habitat Day --- SoCO invited the Secwith the Chairperson of the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Michael Suen, to visit those citizens living in the inadequate housing asking for the shortening the waiting time for public housing application and reforming those unjust housing policies. --- see Position paper (Chinese version only)

Meeting with the Chairperson of the Independent Police Complaint Council, Mr. Robert TANG, JP, SC, to discuss on the reform of police compliaint mechanism --- see Position paper (Chinese version only)


「Police's political prosecution by using the law」--- In respect of the recent barbaric and rude intervention against the peaceful assembly or procession in the public movement, together with other organizations, SoCO had a press conference to condemn the police force and urge the government to further limit the police force by law.

SoCO's Children's Rights Homepage has announced!!!
Cagehome research report 2002 was released --- the number of cagehome lodgers rapidly increase since the economic downturn!
SoCO's research reports can be downloads from the web !!!
SoCO website has announced !!!