侷住 – 基層房屋攝影展

侷住 – 基層房屋攝影展

有關展覽 About exhibition


2016年,香港社區組織協會(社協)再次與攝影師Benny Lam合作,推出「侷住」展覽, 展出新一輯共六個系列超過五十幅相片與大家一同探索這些百呎單位內所發生的人和事。


Trapped – Photo Exhibition on Grassroots Housing in Hong Kong 2016

In 2012, one series of photos shed direct light on the housing problems in Hong Kong. They were taken from a bird’s eye view and showed sub-divided units, which drew local and international attention.

In 2016, Society for Community Organization (SoCO) are working with photographer Benny Lam again to jointly organize a “Living Under Constraint” photo exhibition. Over 50 new photos are included, in a sequence of six series, all showing life in the 100sq ft “flats”.


展覽詳情 Exhibition details

(1) 香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Center

  • 3/10 – 9/10/2016 10am – 10pm
  • 香港文化中心地下大堂 E3, E4展區E3, E4 Exhibition Area, Hong Kong Cultural Center

** 籠屋、板房居民生活狀況影片
Too small to swing a cat – Video on Cage homes/cubicles

** 現場會播放一套有關籠屋、板房居民生活狀況影片
A video of Too small to swing a cat(interviews of the cage/cubicle dwellers) will be displayed in the exhibition.(Director: Ines Gerber, Marie Bakke)


(2) 「城中綠洲」中環街市 The Central Oasis, Central Market

  • 13/10 – 26/10/2016
  • 中環街市 (德輔道中80號二樓) The Central Oasis, Central Market (2/F, 80 Des Voeux Road Central)


(3) SoCO 269 展覽館 SoCO 269 Gallery

  • 7/1-30/4/2017 逢星期六、日 (28/1及29/1/2017除外) Every Sat and Sun, except 28/1 & 29/1/2017
  • 深水埗汝州街269號一樓 SoCO 269 Gallery (1/F, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po)

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